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Our first post this month, and definitely not the last. The Discord has been very busy, but we've come fashionably late to give you a mother's day gift! Here's a Pizza Thot fic feat. a new character, decided by poll - Tips' Mom! As the first of the three poll winners, here's hoping you enjoy!

 As always, if you like Luffy's work, you can find him HERE, and our last fic can be found HERE.    


“Alright people, settle in!” 

The staff of Pizza Thot snapped up in attention as Boss entered the main floor of the restaurant. The roster was visibly fastened to her clipboard as she waved it towards them. “Let’s talk schedules! Two weeks from now is Mother’s Day, and do you know what that means?”

“Get our Mother’s Day cards now and beat the rush?” Pineapple asked innocently.

“What it means, is that we’re gonna get a lot of customers from QBU. Lots of young guys away from their moms for the first time are gonna want some female company to make up for it.” Boss tapped her board, and continued. “We made a tidy profit last year and I wanted to be prepared. For as much ‘variety’ as we have on-staff, we don’t have a single milf available.”

“Oh, jeez! I guess not, huh?” Tips reacted in shock before turning towards PB. “Unless… are you a mom, PB?” The peacock-themed mascot gave her an annoyed elbow in the ribs.

“Well, that leads into what I’m… hesitating to ask,” Boss said as she paced out into the dining area. “Does anyone know, or… have a mom willing to chip in?”

“Ha! Yeah, count mine out,” Cash said with a roll of her eyes. “As far as she knows, I work at a regular-ass pizza place.”

“My mom would, but she’s been pretty busy with the farm lately,” Milkbar mused.

“Oh! We can use my mom!”

Tips thrusted her arm out, making the already-tall amazon even taller amongst her co-workers. “She loves helping out!”

“Tips,” Boss began cautiously. With anyone else, it was a fair assumption, but with Tips? “Does your mom know what this place is?”

“Oh, totally! She doesn’t live that far from here, and sis works at a similar place now, so…! I mean, I’m sure she doesn’t know everything about it, but the dirty stuff, that’s all cool.”

“I mean, yeah. Great,” Boss said with a satisfied shrug. “If she’s down for it, I can scratch that off the list. Let her know that she’ll be paid time-and-a-half, and thanks.” Boss gave her a quick smile before heading back to her office.

Cash gave Tips a sideways glance. “Dude… you’d really suck a dick in front of your mom?” She asked, popping her gum.

“Hm? Why not? Moms get horny too, right?” Tips slinked over to Cash with a sly smile until the goth started to blush. “Unless… don’t tell me! Cash, you do know where babies come from, don’t you?”

“W-What!? Of course I do!”

“When your mom gets in the mood, that’s when she goes to your dad and--”

“Argh! Gross! I get it, okay!” Cash blurted out as she quickly walked away from the conversation. 

Tips giggled, and followed suit.  


Before too long, two weeks had flown by for the Pizza Thot Crew. Come Mother’s Day, they found themselves keeping an eye on the employee entrance in anticipation of their new (if temporary) employee. With the resounding chime of the door’s bells, Tips had made her usual excitable entrance. This time, however, she kept the door open.

“Hey! Me and my mama are here~!” 

A woman came shuffling in quietly behind her, looking especially tiny compared to Tips. She was barely taller than Boss, but with every bit as much to her chest and thighs as Tips herself. Despite her height, there was no doubt the two were related. She also shared her freckles and dark hair, but it was kept at a reasonable chin-length compared to Tips’ twintails. A simple hairband, some half-moon glasses, and a gentle smile completed a very pure and motherly image, marking her as quite calm and modest compared to her wild daughter, even with the deep cleavage hidden inside her blouse.

“Welcome to Pizza Thot, Missus Tips!” Milkbar greeted, waving to the little woman. Chef nodded politely as he cleaned out a pitcher. “Nice to meet you, Tips’ mom.”

“Hm? Oh, no need to call me all that.” The woman chuckled in a voice as soft and calm as her demeanor. “You can call me Vi--”

“Oh! Uh… actually, mama,” Tips warned. “We usually stick to nicknames in the restaurant. It’s like, a safety thing, or something.” Tips leaned down, unintentionally dropping her breasts in front of her mother’s face. “I’m Tips, and that’s Chef, and Boss, and…”

“Oh my, I see. Should I have a nickname, dear?” Tips’ mom asked.

“I’ll just call you mama, okay?” Tips beamed proudly as she planted a hand on her mother’s head. “Is that okay?”

Boss had arrived from the back, and offered a shrug. “Works for me.” She noticed a hint of an accent to the way Tips pronounced it. She gazed up at Tips, and then to her mom, and then back to Tips again, casually trying to gauge their nationality. “Nope, no clue.” She muttered to herself.

“I’m just glad I get to watch my little girl working together with her friends,” Mama smiled. Tips gave her a very bust-involved hug, and hurried off to show her around. Cash looked at the others as they began to disperse. “Little, she says…”


Tips began her tour by walking her mom through the kitchen and serving area. She gave her a quick tutorial on the soda fountain, figuring she’d be a bit too busy helping customers to work the register or cook. She showed off the alley door they used to run to the trash without drawing attention from the squirrels, and how to get onto the main stage on the second floor without busting your ankle. By the time they came back to Boss, a uniform was ready for her to wear.

Boss had gotten her uniforms down to a science; the classic pink-red shirt and black pants were a snug fit without feeling too confining, even on the tiny milf.

“Oh, my! This is one of the nicest-fitting shirts I’ve ever worn,” Mama praised as she came back out of the changing area.

“Trust me, I know how hard clothes shopping can be when you’re short and curvy,” Boss chuckled. “You look like a natural.” She glanced up at the clock and noted the time. “So! You can start whenever you’re ready. The whole process is pretty straightforward, but just in case, let Tips walk you through a few tables to start with.”

“Dear, don’t worry about me.” Mama assured her. “I used to be a waitress myself. I know how these things tend to operate!”

Now accompanied by her mom, Tips went out to watch the floor, tidying up a few tables until the next pair of customers came in. Just as Boss had predicted, a couple of college students from QBU were waiting at the front. Tips grinned and gave them an enthusiastic wave. 

“Hiya, and welcome to Pizza Thot! I’m Tips, and today, we’ve got a Mother’s Day Special going on! Come right this way!”  

Mama waved much more modestly, though it still gave her a subtle jiggle to her entire build. Once Mama had confirmed she’d be coming in, Boss had put the announcement on Thot Bubble that they’d be having a special part-timer joining them for the holiday.

Tips took them to a table up front and gestured for Mama to go ahead and take the lead. The milf tugged her tiny notebook from her pocket and smiled warmly at the boys. 

"Good evening, young men. Can I start you off with something to drink, or are you both ready to order?"

"Yeah, we were thinking the, uh, pizza and fried chicken combo? And a pitcher of beer," the red-haired customer ordered, looking more than a little nervous.

"Sounds perfect," Mama said as she jotted everything down with quick and practiced handwriting. "I'll get those drinks out in a second, and I'll drop off your order once it’s ready," She smiled a little brighter and trotted back off behind the counter. Tips' eyes darted between the customers and her mom before laughing awkwardly and following Mama back.

"Hey, Mama...?" Tips began as gently as she could. Gentle wasn't usually her forte until it came to her mom.

"Yes, sweetie?" Mama replied as she readied the cups.

"That was like, super good customer service out there! You were really nice, and so sweet! But, um… there's the people come to Pizza Thot for the food, and then there's the ones who come here for, uh, y'know..." Tips hissed a breath through her braces, thinking of how to tell her mom how to ‘slut it up’ a little more.

"Use your words, sweetie. You mean for naughty stuff?" Mama finished.

"Yes! Thank you!" Tips confirmed happily. "You don't gotta go crazy, but we do like, a little touching and grinding here and there. Um! Here - you work on the sodas while I work on the boys. I'll show ya what I mean!"

Mama stayed put at the soda fountain while Tips strode back out to the table, swaying her hips to accentuate her very long legs. She took out her notepad and leaned over the table, shoving her breasts into one customer's face. "Hey, guys! Sorry to pop in so soon, but I can't read my mom's handwriting," Tips excused, studying her blank notepad. "Did you guys order the ginger beer or the ginger ale?"

"You guys serve ginger beer?" the redhead student asked.

"Isn't it the same thing?" his friend asked in similar confusion.

"GYAHAHA! Oh my god, right?" Tips cackled, grabbing the other boy around the shoulders and squeezing him against her chest. "You two are so funny! It's not often we get a couple of studs like you in here!" She kissed the boy on the cheek with a loud smooch. "Thanks for the reminder! We'll be sure to show you our appreciation later." 

She planted a quick peck on the lips of the other boy, leaning her hands firmly in his lap before heading back to the work station. 

"And that's how I like to warm up a customer. You can probably figure out where it goes from there."

"Oh, I see." Mama nodded calmly. She was a sweet old lady, but she was aware of her daughters and their promiscuous nature. After all, they had to get it from somewhere...

"That's the spirit!" Tips agreed with a hearty thumbs up. "Ready to go get ‘em?"

“Got it,” Mama said as she plucked up the drinks and went back out. 

"Here you go, boys! Sorry for the mix-up." Mama was just a bit taller than the table, but she leaned on her tiptoes to slide the drink deeper into the center of it. That left her big motherly tits resting right in the lap of the red-haired customer, jiggling and nudging his growing erection until she seemed satisfied with the placement of the glass. She went over to the blonde and simply hopped into his lap, wiggling her child-bearing hips against his groin as she pushed the other glass farther back. 

"No sense in spilling it if it's too close to the edge. Oh, but you dears really should be using a coaster..." Mama slid a few coasters with the Pizza Thot logo under the glasses as her motherly side slipped in. "There we are! Isn't that better?" she chimed, wiggling her butt in the one student's lap while shaking her breasts for the other.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot!" the red-haired customer said with an amused grin on his face.

"Great! I'll come back and check if you handsome young men need anything in a couple minutes." She gave a soft huff as she fanned herself off. "Gosh, is it hot in here? I haven't done any waitressing in years. I’ve forgotten how much of a sweat you can build up on the job." 

With an innocent smile still on her face, she lifted up her shirt until they could see the lacy purple bra peeking out from underneath. She worked a few clasps in the back before she lowered the shirt again, tugging on the sleeve until she effortlessly slid her massive bra out without removing her shirt. 

"There! That's much more comfortable once you let the girls out! Anyway, enjoy your stay! You boys think of anything you want, you just call for Mama, okay?"

She walked back by the kitchen and found Tips. "So how was that?"

"Oh my god! Mama you were so great out there! I'm so proud of you!"

"Yea, no kidding," Cash said as she poked her head in from the registers. "Those guys at Table 4 are squirming up a storm."

"Perfect! Now's the perfect time to finish them off. Everyone's hungry after they shoot their load. Do you, um… need my help on this one?"

"I think I can handle it," Mama assured her. "You save all that energy for the other customers." The chime at the door went off as another homesick coed came into the restaurant.

Tips went off to greet them as Mama returned to her table. 

“Back so soon?” One of them asked, eyes darting between Mama’s face and chest.

"I am. Your food's on the way, but I couldn't stand to see you boys getting bored." 

With one quick tug, Mama lifted up her shirt. The small woman's huge breasts bounced around for a few seconds from gravity alone, mesmerizing the shocked young men until her slightly inverted nipples stopped their wild movement. 

"So - while they warm up the fryers, why don’t I treat you to something nice?"


After a quick climb, Mama had laid herself on her stomach across the small table. She took the blonde customer's cock between her massive breasts, rubbing the soft orbs around

his pulsing erection. She smiled up at him and planted a playfully sweet kiss on its tip. 

"Would you get those pants for me, dear? My hands are a little busy up here," Mama requested politely. The customer who had been feeling up her ass and thighs was happy to comply. He tugged her pants and the simple purple panties down to her knees, exposing her plump ass before burying his hands into her meaty cheeks until her neatly-trimmed pussy peeked out from beneath them. He pulled her pants down low enough that he could slide his cock against her ass and started hotdogging himself between her buns.

Mama upped her game, getting into the rhythm of her excitable boys. She braced her knees against the table's edge, letting her grind her hips up and down in time with her rear customer's cock. She added a subtle shake to her booty that kept her ass jiggling for some extra movement. On the other end she had wrapped her breasts completely around the base of the blonde student's shaft, lightly cradling his balls as she rapidly kissed and nuzzled around the tip. She finally lowered her mouth over his cock, swallowing it up and purring happily to herself as she bobbed her head up and down. A trickle of drool was running down his cock when Cash came by with her trays in hand.

"You dudes, uh, enjoying yourselves over here?" Cash asked with a knowing smirk.

"Fuck, yeah!" the students replied quickly. The blonde shivered as Mama nodded, squeezing her lips around his cock

"Didn't mean you, Mama, but glad to hear it," Cash chuckled as she set out the dishes. "You want to scoot over, or should I just...?"

Mama's mouth popped wetly off the student. "Oh, no need! Give me a moment, dear." Mama got back to work at a fervent pace. She pumped her hips higher and harder, grinding to let her pussy was brush along the tip of his cock with every pump. She simultaneously pulled the blonde into her mouth deep enough to push against her throat. Cash raised an eyebrows when she saw Mama's tongue spiral around her customer's balls, right before they came in unison. A long streak of alabaster shot across her back, while the other load was nowhere to be seen - swallowed up by Mama as she reached for a napkin to dab at her mouth.

"There we are," she chimed rather casually. Mama slid off the table and readjusted her pants. "I hope you worked up an appetite!"

"Thanks, Mama," one of the boys sighed as he happily took the plate from Cash. Mama chuckled proudly to herself when she felt Tips' breasts on top of her head.

"I got your back, Mama. Gyahaha!" Tips teased as she helped towel off the cummy mess from her back.

"That's my little helper," Mama laughed softly. Cash was surprised at how quickly she was taking to the job. "I haven't tried a position like that in years. I can see why you like this place so much."

"You’ve always said that you’d meet the most interesting people waiting tables. Do you think you have the hang of it now?"

"Oh, yes. I think I do. There’s no need to hold my hand the whole time."

"That's good, because my hands are gonna be pretty busy with those guys in a second. Also a couple of holes! Gyahaha!"

Mama laughed with her daughter and went back to work. A potentially overworked night went smoothly with the extra milf around. Though the customers had already grown accustomed to her presence, the thots were more than a little surprised with the amount of extra help going around; as Milk came back from a lapdance, Mama had waited for her with a clean towel. 

"You've got such pretty skin, Milky-dear. You shouldn't let it get so messy," Mama chided. 

Milk awkwardly accepted the towel and blushed while she wiped the cum off her breasts and belly. 

Mama’d make sure that customers ordered water to go with their stronger drinks. At one point, she had a customer six-inches deep inside her when he ordered a refill on his soda. 

"All that sugar's bad for you, sweetheart. Why not try some iced tea this time instead?" 

Even Boss was surprised to overhear her guilting a table of guys into adding peppers to their pizza just to "make sure you're eating your vegetables." She was a natural with the customers, but she was clearly a mom first and a part-time sexworker second.

Boss began prepping to close the store. She saw the night winding down… until she heard the door chime again. 

"Excuse me, ladies..." Chadsworth leaned in from the front entrance as he checked a few ID's. "Just a fair warning: we're building up quite the line out here. I believe there’s a rush incoming."

"A line? What sort of line?" Boss asked quizzically.

"A rough bunch of gents in leathers are gathering up front. Beards. Big boots. Tattoos with 'Mother' on them..."

Boss frowned and peeked out through the blinds. Sure enough, about twenty guys who were scruffy, burly, or some combination of the two parking their motorcycles in the lot. 

"Crap. The Broken-Heart Bikers must be passing through town tonight," Boss hissed under her breath. It was nothing against the men themselves; they were often big spenders and generous tippers. But a lot of customers at once meant being stretched pretty thin. Sometimes literally. She quickly snapped into business mode.

"Okay, people! We’ve got a late night rush! Milk? Cash? Give the tables a quick sweep. Chef, drop a fresh batch of chicken and keep 'em comin. Tips! Get your mom, get them seated, and get their orders. The rest of us will be there to help you serve them ASAP!" 

The crew started to hurry into their places, when Mama spoke up.

"You and your crew have had quite the day, dear. If you wouldn't mind, I think ‘Tips’ and I can handle them." They looked over to see Mama putting an arm around Tips' legs, a little too short to reach her waist that easily. 

"I'm here to help with the rush, after all. If you girls can keep the food and drinks coming, we can handle the messy stuff." 

Boss returned an eyebrow raise and a surprised look, but the mother continued to smile.

"...Well, If you say so. You heard her, girls! Just let us know if you need any help!"

"Well, there is one thing before we start," Mama reached into her pocket and flipped a quarter into Boss’ hand. "Could you go to the jukebox and play a certain song for me?"

Boss furrowed her brow and passed the quarter back to Mama. "We, uh ... don't have a jukebox. We have a spotify playlist. What did you want to play?"


Soon enough, Boss was scurrying through the crowd of rough customers, taking orders and the occasional fondling while Tips got everyone seated in front of their main stage. 

"Okay, boys! Super happy to have so many guests here all at once!" Tips called over their conversation. 

"We know Pizza Thot's not your regular biker bar, but we're glad to have some new faces! Oh! Except you, Ripper!"

The big bald biker grunted and winked at Tips. She winked right back. 

"But we thought we'd warm everybody out with a little show! So, welcome for the first time to the stage, the sweetest little lady I know... Mama~!!" 

Tips swept her hand dramatically towards the stage as a familiar beat started playing on the speakers. A few of the bikers snickered as they recognize the tune, and right as ‘Don't call it a comeback!’ blasted out, Mama popped out from behind the curtain. 

She had her top tied up to expose her soft little belly, the slightest edge of her pale underboob peeking out of the edge of her shirt. She had also changed into a pair of shorts to show off her pale and smooth legs as she gave a showy high-kick, letting them ride high on her juicy thighs. Mama strut her way to the stripper pole and leaned against it, thrusting her ass out behind her while she rubbed her breasts on either side of the tall metallic rod. The bikers went wild as she started to slowly tug at her waistband, continuing her striptease to Mama Said Knock You Out’.

"Tips’ mom is into hip-hop. Today’s been fuckin’ wild, huh?" Cash muttered. She was back in the kitchen, filling shot glasses as Milkbar helped Chef roll out some dough.

"Don't ask me," Chef said with a shrug. "But it sounds like it's working."

Back on the main floor, the bikers were indeed whistling and cheering Mama on. She dropped to her knees in front of the pole, bobbing her hips to the music while she finished sliding off her shorts. She had switched into one of the Pizza Thot branded thongs with the crotch designed to look like a slice of pepperoni pizza with their logo on it. She kicked off the shorts, flinging them into the rowdy audience that bumped each other out of the way to get at them. 

Tips was already lounging among them, settled into the lap of one dark-skinned biker. She ground her ass against his jeans while he felt her up, leaning back against his chest. One of her long legs rubbed her foot on another biker's crotch across from him.

In the meantime, Mama had wrapped her legs around the stripper pole and hung upside down by her thick thighs alone. The audience went wild as she untied her top and slid out of it, letting it fall to the floor as her huge breasts flopped out into her waiting hands, nearly hitting her in the face at their size. 

She giggled and jiggled them for the audience before touching back down on the stage. She strut back to the front of the stage, thrusting her hips at choice parts of the song before falling to all fours. She leaned on her elbows, smiling at her raving fans with her tits swelling out from underneath her chest as she kicked her feet playfully behind her. She blew them a kiss right as the song ended and the bikers broke into appreciative hooting and applause. 

They threw spare cash onto the stage and Tips threw her bra along with them (though was in the midst of doing it anyway). Mama beamed proudly as she sat on the edge of the stage, pulling the nearest biker by his collar so that he was caught between her thighs.

"Now - which one of you boys wants to be first to play with Mama?" she purred. 

The biker swiftly kissed her and wrapped his calloused hands around her ass. Mama gave a happy little squeal as she was picked up off the stage and his impatient fingers peeled the thong out of her wet pussy. She originally come along to to help out Tips, but with so many men ogling and groping her that night, she hadn’t been that flattered in a long time. It was hard not to get into it. 

She happily kissed the first biker, wrapping her arms around his neck to take some of her weight off his hands. He was tall and strong enough that it didn't seem to bother him as he slipped two fingers into her pussy, using it for a crude handle as he lifted her higher and wrapped his mouth around her nipple. Mama let out a short and happy purr as she leaned into him, letting him bury himself deeper into her tits.

"Don't be shy, sweethearts! I have two of them, don't I? Come on in and show how much you love Mama~!" 

The rest of the gang was quick to move in on the girls, and the mother and daughter duo met them as they came. Tips hurried out of her pants, mounting a biker's hard and waiting cock. She moaned and bit her lip with her pointed teeth as it mashed right against her clit, a promising start to a group that was plenty hard and horny after watching her mom's massive cocktease.

As far as Tips was concerned, it just made her job easier. She lifted up her legs enough to kneel on the edges of her guest's chair, raising her hips to shake her pale, freckled ass to another customer. She took out a trusty tube of lube from her discarded pants, prepping herself as a slim man in a mohawk stepped up. He took a quick gulp of his beer before making the obvious decision and pushed himself between her cheeks. Tips looked absolutely euphoric as both men started to fuck her on either side of her hips, making her toes curl when they pushed in perfect sync and put a pleasant pressure on either end of her g-spot.

Mama had turned to ride one of the biker's cocks, fucking him in a reverse cowgirl position as her breasts were left up for grabs. They were big and heavy enough that a couple of the men had slid their cocks underneath them, fucking her underboob as the firm tits provided enough friction for them to start squirting against her belly. While the one biker had her pussy occupied, getting her to moan and groan with each thrust, Mama seemed used to multitasking. She kept one biker's cock tucked into her mouth, stretching out her cheeks as she ran her lips and tongue along its surface while stroking and cupping his balls. Even her short legs were stretched out, wrapping her feet and toes around yet another horny fan for a footjob that had him leaking precum in no time.

"Ooh! Now there's a good boy!" Mama suddenly gasped. Her wet pussy bounced up and down a few more times before the biker behind her shot a dense burst of cum inside her. It oozed out her pussy and down her thighs as she giggled and shook her hips in what looked to be a cute little victory dance. 

"I love the attention, sweetie, but why don't you try sharing? Let somebody else have a turn with Mama. You don’t want your pizza to get cold, do you?."

"No, ma'am," the man with the elaborate neck tattoo muttered, sliding out of her and humbly returning to his table as Milk meekly served their pie.

Tips’ eyes rolled back as she grinned like a madwoman. The biker’s thick load shot into her ass, followed shortly by another in her pussy. The doubled sensation had her raking her nails along the shoulders of the biker at her front. 

“That’s a lotta tips!” Tips raved, licking some of her drool from her lips before kissing the front biker again. She shimmied around between the sandwiching men before letting out a short squeak and landing on the floor. 

“You alright?” one of the men asked, offering her a hand. Tips just smiled and pushed it aside.

“No thanks! I’m used to being on my knees! Gyahaha!” Tips didn’t even have to look in order to snatch the nearest erect and waiting penis, jerking it off while she grabbed a second with her other hand. She slowly wrapped her tongue around it before catching the biker’s balls in her mouth, suckling on the musky sac as she jacked off the surrounding cocks. One started to groan as he humped her hand, cuing her to free her mouth and open wide to catch as much of his cum as possible. It stuck to her lips, glasses and braces before she slurped it up, quickly wiping her glasses off on her shirt.

“Hey, Mama! These boys are shooting off like crazy over here. You really put on a heck of a show!”

“Imagine the show we could put on with the two of us,” Mama chuckled. She was bent over and twerking her thick milfy booty against another customer’s cock until he shot another burst of warm cum across her ass.

“Don’t tempt me, Mama!” Tips broke into a fanged grin as they shared a glance. 

“In fact, why don’t we tempt them instead?” 

Tips and Mama got to their knees, still sticky with sweat and cum when Mama wrapped her arms around Tips' midsection. They mashed their breasts together and leaned into a passionate, cum-flavored kiss, letting their tongues slide between their lips while glancing coyly at the eager customers. The mother-daughter makeout session got several of them masturbating to the sight, their hard cocks bobbing around them on all sides. 

Tips and Mama giggled against her each other's lips, planting a quick parting kiss before they turned to sit side by side. They pushed their round asses together, bumping cheek to cheek as they took on whatever customers they could into their hands and mouths. Tips grabbed one in each hand, pumping their rods before guiding them into her cock-hungry mouth. She let them bump into her stuffed cheeks as her tongue ran over each of them, mixing her spittle with their precum until it was running down her grinning face.

Mama buried her face into another customer's cock, nuzzling right where the shaft met his balls and suckling the tender crossroad of his manhood. Her hands went off in either direction, grabbing the first cocks she could feel and stroking them off with a soft and experienced touch. Her fingers rubbed them firmly while her thumb just barely touched the front, rubbing all the way up to the slit before tracing the precum back down along her path. 

Between their eager efforts and the crowd of men masturbating furiously to the busty, kneeling family, it wasn't long before a mess of cum shot over them in all directions. The warm loads dribbled down their hair, tits, faces, asses, arms... anywhere that cum could it on their naked bodies.

The two women laughed together, sharing a proud grin between them. A dozen or so men fell back into their chairs with one huge, satisfied sigh as Tips nodded towards Ripper, the one left slowly stroking himself in his chair while the others went to recover on their food and booze. 

"Last man standing," Tips giggled. "Want to team up on this one, Mama?"

"Oh, one more nibble won't hurt my figure." Mama purred as the mother and daughter kissed on either side of the biker's cock, giggling whenever their lips and tongues made contact. Their hands both went to massage his balls, fingers brushing fondly against each other as they rubbed over Ripper's sac. 

The hung biker was more than a mouthful, even for Tips, but she shifted herself up higher and started taking him deeper in between her lips. It left her breasts resting on Mama's head as the milf kissed her way around the bottom of his shaft, brushing his balls with her tongue as a second set of sensations  for him to deal with. Having held out as long as he did, Ripper finally grunted and thrust as his pulsing cock unloaded into Tips', flooding her mouth until she drooled some over Mama's breasts below.

"Gyahaha! Sorry, Mama! That one kinda snuck up on me!"

"It's alright," Mama assured her as she slid out from under her daughter's breasts. "It just means that he here had a good time. Isn't that right, Mr. Ripper."

"Absolutely, ma'am," the biker sighed, fishing out a wad of bills from inside his leather jacket.

With their gangbang complete, the bikers finished up their meal and went back on their way. The other girls saw to a few other customers but Tips and Mama had clearly handled the lion's share of the work. It was an even busier night than Boss had predicted, but at least it had been equally profitable. Mama insisted on helping clean up the mess she'd left behind, but Boss convinced her to hit the showers before letting them pitch in. Mama was back in her uniform giving the tables and chairs a thorough disinfecting while Tips mopped up the floors.


"So! Happy Mother’s Day, I guess! How'd you like working at the Thot?" Tips asked conversationally once they were making progress on their vigorous scrubbing.

"Oh, it was very fun," Mama understated. "But I certainly couldn't keep up with this every night. My poor hips can't take so much running around these days. I'll just stick with taking care of you girls and your father." She set down her bottle of cleaner and turned to smile at Tips. 

"I just wanted to say that I'm very proud of you."

"Aw, mama~!" Tips beamed and scratched the back of her head as her cheeks turned red. It was a rare case of Tips actually blushing at anything. "What makes ya say that?"

"Because you found a job you really love. It's not the fanciest place in the world, but they take care of you. If you’re happy here, I’m happy for you."

"Gyahaha! Mama, I'm always happy!"

"You know what I mean. Just remember - no matter what you girls end up doing, your mama loves you." 

Tips broke into one of her biggest grins as she picked up her mom, squeezing her in a tight, squishy, slightly sticky hug. She finally set her back down and happily returned to mopping up the jizz stains.




Luffy's getting unreal at writing these.


I laughed my ass off at Mama's interactions and everyone being super polite with her. But I LOST it when Cash was like "tip's mom is into hip-hop huh?" Gradw A quality work here