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Hey, folks. With (most) of the non-spoiler imagery for MONOLIGHTER and Pizza Thot's next update already shown, we don't have a lot to throw at you in the interim while we piece the updates together. So, in the meantime, here's a project that I (Gats) put together with a friend one fateful summer afternoon.

Inspired by really crappy hentai games on Newgrounds, NTWICF Vol. 1 explores the depths a man can go in emulating true art. Enjoy it if you want! 

In coding news (because I still would like to give you guys news for being incredibly patient with us), we've platformed Mission Three for MONOLIGHTER, and are currently working on implementing dialogue for the main story quest.
In Pizza Thot, most of the base mechanics (movement, dialogue, camera, menu UI, etc) have been put in place and are being adjusted. I'm currently working on the UI for the minigames - if all goes well, we'll have three out when the first version releases. If we feel we're taking too long with the update, we'll push out a slimmer release.

Here's some concept pieces for the minigames:

And a concept piece for the game in general:

Concepts & Art by the talented Minkye.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around - I know it's a tough wait when it comes to initial releases, but we'll be around with more news in the future. As always, have a good one!




Why am I getting Club Penguin Pizza minigame flashbacks


I'm getting "Papa's *any fast-food thing*-eria" wibes

Miguel Arriola

I can't open the rar! pls help!


Hrm. file shows as empty. Using IZArc for what it's worth.