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Heya folks, just a quick update from us - I would've liked to post these earlier, but it's probably best to span posts out so as not to spam you guys too much with what's going on.

Anyway - we've just about squashed every bug from v0.1 of MONOLIGHTER, and will be aiming for a public release soon. It definitely took a lot longer than expected, but as a result, it's given us time to work on finalizing a lot of other things, like the UI you see above.

In Pizza Thot news;

Looks pretty cool, huh? We completed the exterior textures for Pizza Thot a few days ago, and are working on building other parts of the world. One of the most important things is figuring out how characters are gonna look in the overworld, so we're trying to get that right. Chibi overworld, detailed portraits? Or semi-chibi overall, while still trying to keep it lewd (as seen previously)? It's hard to decide.

We'd also like to know your thoughts on making posts like this public. If you've followed us for a while, you've probably noticed that most of ours aren't. Not because we dislike it, but rather because we want you guys to have exclusive info as thanks for your support.

If you think these posts would be better off public, let us know! And as always, have a good one!



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