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Back to the private releases, here's another massive chunk of content to get through. We've introduced several major mechanics, including the Obscura vision and a proper data-tracking UI, along with new CGs to find. 

Without further ado, here's the changelog:

We've got the conclusion to Mission Two, new sidequests, and all sorts of other things to explore. If any of y'all find any major bugs or anything that seems out of place/missing, let us know in the comments below!

As for the future, the next update is slated to be pretty hefty. For one, we'll be heading into v0.1, and out of the 'pre-alpha' state. One thing we want to focus on is improving the combat mechanics and fleshing out both missions, so we can implement combat-focused enemies (including our patron-submitted ones). This should (hopefully) combine together into a big ol' Mission Three, along with better sidequests/CGs on the horizon.

Thanks as always for all of your support, we're incredibly proud of where we started and where we've ended up thus far. Look forward to some pretty significant changes on the horizon once we get things ready to show off - I think a few of you will be pretty happy with what the future holds.

Anyway, I'll leave you guys off on that vague note to play with the latest build! I hope you all enjoy it, I'll be adding a poll in the near future for what you'd like to see in the first Alpha build. 

And as always, have a good one!

e: Forgot to actually upload the builds. Whoops!




Was able to sort of lock the game by reacquiring the main story quest via talking to Mao about the CEO's death in "postgame"


Thanks, I've passed it along to our coder. Where was Mao located for this?


On the roof at the top of D10 across from the technosoothsayer and above the woman who you had her watch to make sure they didn't steal your robokidneys in exchange for sex.


Gotcha. Was this after completing Mission Two? Mao shouldn't be available in D10 after post-game.


Yes. I had received the "there is no more story content" message after being spotted on the docks, and received the tattoo girls second photo and seen the picture of sushi store girl from Daru. I may have started the glitch far earlier as I have been able to complete a few side quests multiple times, notably the one which requires Mao to watch you get opened up.


Thanks! We've managed to locate and fix the issue with your information. We'll be adding this to the list of fixes for v0.1, thanks again for your assistance.


No problem, keep up the good work and have a nice morning


UPDATE: There is currently a bug where approaching Dr. Lovelace for her CG will re-spawn Mao in District D10 post-mission two. We recommend not talking to this Mao if she has already disappeared from the district. She is not real. As an aside, this will be fixed in the coming update.


not really a bug, but I looked all over and cant seem to find a way to get money, which I'm assuming is needed for the 6 CG I'm missing. Any directions?


actually looking at the CG viewer, it seems it didnt register one of the two CG from the american androids in the hotel room.


Finally got around to playing this update, its pretty good I'm liking the direction y'all are going with this but i kinda noticed movement can be a bit stuttery in the shipyard or it can just be my laptop either way good work so far


Thank you! If anyone else has issues with the shipyard section, let us know, just in case it isn't a localized problem.