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Hey, folks! Fashionably late as we are, here's version v0.08 for all of you to look at. This is a public release, so feel free to leave any of your thoughts and comments below!

Without further ado, here's the changelog for this month:

A lot of bugfixes, and a lot of new content relevant for people who love CGs. 

As for the version number change: after some deliberating with our programmer, Asante, we've decided to push this forward as v0.08, instead of v0.07.5 or so. The next version, which will be v0.09, will have the conclusion to Mission Two, as well as another buttload of content to help flesh out our existing characters. Hopefully, this'll mean an earlier release date, since there won't be another version release this month - if not, it'll be due to even more content being implemented.

Anyway, consider this Friday's update! We'll see you all again on Monday! Make sure to put bug reports at the bottom! Thank you!

Edit: Forgot about the actual download. Yep! Should be fixed now.




Making us think you’re gonna wait a couple days then release it, pssssh


how long until the Mac version? This piece of junk I own failed to run it via Wine.


For reasons unknown to us at the moment, updating to the latest Unity prevents us from making a Mac version. We'll be looking into this for 0.09, but we can't promise a current Mac version right now. We're deeply sorry for this.

Garrett M

Mao's second picture and Delphine's pic won't save in the gallery for me (Also I for the life of me can't find pics 30 and 31)


there are some picture in the gallary is completely white after i unlock them


Hey, I seem to have run into the "loading a save game inside a multi-floor building leaves you on the wrong floor" bug in this version - <a href="https://imgur.com/Gu5Qmi5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/Gu5Qmi5</a>


Just tried out the demo, really like it so far, though I think I hit a snag, unless I misread something. After meeting the invisible boss person I believe it said to use the metro to go to the next area, but the metro only lists the mall still, did I goof and am supposed to go somewhere else? I did do a wonk by speaking with Mao before trying the metro and redid the scene where she tells you to meet her in the bar, could that have messed it up?


Your supposed to talk to the big dude standing next to the boss, you gotta talk to him to advance to the next mission and unlock the shipyard.


I spoke to him after the meeting/cutscene, but now he just asks me about my progress on the mission or whatnot when I interact with him.


Went ahead and started a new game, this time I was able to use the metro, and didn't talk to mao and accidentally restart the scene, so that may have been the issue before? Now I've just got 2 more CG's to somehow find : P