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After a veritable chunk of the month dedicated to this release, we're here with the next version of Monolighter! A lot of changes dedicated to making movement feel much nicer than before, along with new cutscenes, frequent autosaves, and more.

Comin' up, here's the full changelog for v0.07:

Just like v0.05, we'll be splitting this update into two parts. Up front, we have new story content, a new enemy type, and more. On the 16th, we'll be releasing another public version, which will be purely dedicated to another content dump. If you're wondering where the CGs are, it'll be then, along with gloryholes, and the new area!

So that's today's Friday Update! Hope to see y'all again on Monday!


Garrett M

Is there a legitimate way to unlock the 18th photo at the moment?


Current frame rate issue is still present in this update, but this time I took video of both windowed and fullscreen so that I'm not just trying to describe a visual problem without visuals. Fullscreen <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOdfV2k4IIs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOdfV2k4IIs</a> Windowed <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lGuzxQ5xCg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lGuzxQ5xCg</a> Altering the quality settings do not change how the frame rate acts in any way. The only thing that seems to alter the frame rate is whether it is fullscreened or windowed. For reference I am using windows 7.


Grieph here with my usual report. I suppose I should probably get a profile pic at some point? Anyways, here we go. Some little weird bugs/inconsistencies: - At the beginning of the game when you first meet Mao her feet are hovering slightly above the chair/stool thing. Looks kinda weird. A similar problem is found when you decline to help the Boss and Mao and you talk in the Daruma bar, she's hovering over her stool. - Every time you go through one of the hackable big gates you fall a bit, it feels pretty weird. Maybe make it so that the exit bits function as a kind of slope, so you the fall animation doesn't trigger every time you go through it? - Medeia, the bouncer character: in the overworld she has this visor thing, but in her close up picture next to the text box she still have here circular glasses. Also her hairstyle is slightly different. Her erotic photo is consistent to her over-world art though. Side note: I liked her better with her glasses, they were cute, made it her tougher and gave her more of a unique design compared to the other characters. - When you enter the under, the place with Camellia at the front, there's this weird glitch that seems to trigger when you walk forward at the top of the stairs that makes it so you can't continue down the stairs by walking and you just infinitely loop the walk forward animation. Its not too major of a glitch though, since you can just jump over the stairs to get past it. - Room 302 and 303 in grandiers has Delphine and Pear in both rooms at the same time, which is weird. Also, in room 303 when you talk to Pear Delhpine also chimes in despite not being there, at least in sprite form. - In Grandiers again when you're at room 302 and 303 you can't go to room 101, but you can re-enter the room you're already in. - In Grandiers again you can trigger the cutscene with Morgan over and over again, forever. - In Grandiers (I hope I'm spelling the hotel's name right) you trigger the submission to introduce yourself to the other guests only when you leave the building, but in my case I already introduced myself so the cutscene for the end of that submission immediately triggered, it was weird. - Rose, the officer in the Gotemba mall: when you finish her submission and talk to her again she at first greets you, then her dialogue from a previous build triggers and she asks "So, did it feel real?" despite lensmen 1. Only photographing her and not touching her, unlike in previous builds, and 2. Never having any dialogue about whether her ass was real or not. - CG 18 doesn't seem to save even when you get it. - As in the previous build, you can skip past the first mission in Gotemba mall by jumping over the hackable locked gate. At least when you go back to Gotemba mall the gate is unlocked. - When I used the Gotemba skip the Trash-chan went to D10. I think its possiblethat if you don't talk to her she might just be in D10 anyways? When I went back to Gotemba she was still there, despite also being in D10. - Again when I used the Gotemba skip and did not talk to Rose and went back to her with the press pass already in my inventory she acted like I didn't have the press pass. I was then locked out of that side quest as I couldn't go get my press pass again. - The little girl at the food stand (Mimi), her sprite is placed so it looks like she's cut down the middle as opposed to standing behind the food stand. - After I used the Gotemba skip I couldn't trigger the introduce yourself event, maybe its an issue with the skip, but its also kind of ambiguous how to actually complete it. Recommendations: So far the only thing I can think of that'd be a nice feature is if we had a way to look at our inventory and submissions. Besides that it looks to be going quite nicely. Oh, also, since you're going for a branching storyline you should probably have it so that the gallery stays saved, as opposed to being wiped whenever you make a new save. Things I liked: the plot seems to be going in a fairly interesting direction, I like how the boss isn't humanoid either. Cool idea. Also, not sure if this is deliberate or not, but when I started a new save after finishing the game once I started at the end of the tutorial instead of having to do it over again which was nice. Also, I noticed that the bartenders moved when you asked them for drinks, was that in the previous versions? Its was pretty. You know, I just realized this, but maybe you'd prefer if I emailed you these bug lists or something as opposed to posting them in the comment section? Either way, hope this was useful. See you next release.


Sheesh, this one was super long. Oh, and I almost forgot, if you're not sure what I mean I could probably record some clips of these glitches going down, if you need the clarifcation.


My mistake, had them set to private when I meant for them to be unlisted. The videos should work now.


Fantastic as always. We're always glad to have you going in-depth to catch the things we certainly wouldn't. I think most of the stuff detailed is fairly self-explanatory, we'll let you know if videos would help. Thanks again!