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That's right folks! That time of the month! Drop yer questions for characters in my roster, and I'll pick a few and answer them in sketch form! 



To Nicole; What is your opinion on the Soviet Union creating the Tu-4 off you B-29s? I am sure they have some Tu-4 aeros around somewhere that look almost exactly like you.

Nicholas Smith

@ Any A-10 Aero: How hard is it to talk with that Gauss 8 at the ready?


To all Aeros: I sort of wonder how the hanger lifestyle is for everyone. Is it like a barrack or individual room with privacy? Not sure if I ask another question but why not? @Silva: You mentioned a "mother" plane and the refueling process for females...uhh...how do male planes refuel exactly, if you have seen that process.


To any of the Aeros: Here's a little poser I have; if and when aero's of different 'generations' mate with each other, what would the resulting offspring look like; both in the case of 'narrow' generation gaps (Gen 2 jets like the F-86 and Gen 1 jets like a de Havilland Venom), and very 'wide' generation gaps (say, a WWII piston-engined aero like a Spitfire or a Bf 109, and an F-22)?


This is for Silva and Missy: I'm curious to know if the maintenance involved in taking care of your internal systems has changed much over the years. Has anything "evolved" as the designs of Aeromorphs change with from one generation to the next?


Same question of the last 2 months


And same response: She's not my character. Until I do start taking questions for other people's OCs, please respect the fact this is addressed towards -my- roster. Thank you.


Considering that Aero's date back to before WWII, does that mean that there are Aero's of the Wunderwaffe like the Dornier Do 335? If so what would they think of being the world's first push-pull propeller system?


@ Silvia was it really a bad time for you when you were in storage? If yes is there anything I could do for you to forget this? Something Nice that you like?