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And here it is, a double feature! I know it's a bit rushed, and the first two frames up top are a bit on the lazy side, but that's what it's posted here for; critique and pointers! 

Looks like Quart's beginning to lose herself here!




Those top two panels really make the "double stuffed" scene. Nicely done. ;3


HI mellowfellow, thanks for being an ally to me in this :D I personally think, however, than her face showing some sign of pleasure is not "giving in" yet, she could whisper "no, no please" but its not possible at this point to depict her still cold as steel grinding her teeth. So, to me, this page is basically perfect, no idea how to improve it as for now.


Except, maybe, for the NEXT pages, the Flankers moving one in teh back and one frontally and keeping both pounding her pussy (I despise anal) but from both sides, instead than sideways like this. I also dont lose my hopes for some oral scenes later on.


The positive aspect of double pussy penetration from front and rear is also that one Flanker could hold her legs (the front one), while the back one could squeeze her tits while holding keeping Quarts arms close to the body with her own arms (since u mentioned they dont wanna her to escape)


When your rape-ee has razor sharp teeth and a 30mm gattling gun down their throat, that would be the last place I'd stick my dick. O: