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 Alright folks, a bit late for the first of the month, but none the less, here it is. The monthly ask me. Where my $5 or more patrons drop any kind of question they'd like for my OCs and I'll select a few and respond in a sketch format like before!   I know some may have questions directed towards characters mine have interacted with, but I'm trying to sorta keep it within my circle for the time being. The window to drop your question is open for a few days to a week, depending on how many are coming in! And begin! 



@ Chris: You have a preferred load-out you like to use? A specific Rifle/pistol combo that you use in most mission situations?


@ Shandra How often have you had sex? How many children do you have? And with how many males?


@Silva What is the biggest Aero you have ever taken, and how many children do you have?


@Ren We haven't seen you in quite some time, what have you been doing as of late?

Nicholas Smith

@Shandra how hard was it adjusting after your transformation to your new lifestyle and is there anything you miss about being human?


@Samuel How's it going Sam?


@Nika (Nikasharkeh's one, hoping that maybe u'll ask her this time) : same question of last month :D


This is for all the Aeros: Do you guys have assigned human partners or are they random humans? Also...did any of the humans become intimate with you?


@Ren So what inspired the whole 'Aeromorph' thing? I have to say, I never thought anyone could make aircraft sexy!