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Full res version will be delivered first of March to Tier 2 pledges. Sorry this took so long, I'm still getting used to pacing myself here on Patreon. I'll get the Ask-Me answers up soon enough!



WooHoo! Will there be full rez for all comics up here next?


30 dollars already since the last page. Ur Patreon is growing with each page u post :D U deserve it ! Now for the page : Awesome job ! Good shadowing too. Only Two question : 1) since I'm a big fan of oral sex and I've been wondering since some pages ago, are the 2 Flankers talking about adding oral or anal ? Personally I hope oral but I am curious to hear directly from u. 2) I know that maybe both Shandra and Quart are more....astonished and worried than aroused but do u think it would be viable in the future pages to have them and why not also Nika and the Flankers (especially Quart who seems like shes not feeling anything at all, she's not even letting out any "Ah" from the heavy hits shes receiving, those should come automatically ) show a bit more of open pleasure, like Nika in the top left panel in this page of NYS1 <a href="https://www.furaffinity.net/view/18992320/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.furaffinity.net/view/18992320/</a> ? That kind of face isreally arousing to me and I wonder if others here share my ideas.


I can understand Nika and the FLankers maybe having a face like what you are alluding to , but as far as Shandra and Quart's expressions go, I think they're proper as is, wspecially if they had no intention of getting caught and being bred. The drone's mission in NYS1 was solely to get a "sample" from NIka, thus why she changed her attitude as the story progressed to one of enjoyment. She had every intention of getting caught and used. Unless that is the case with these two according to what Ren has planned out, they would most likely not enjoy any of what is going on, in which case, their expressions on page 8 are probably the ones that should be what we can expect. If Ren does plan on them "getting into it more"in the next pages, then you're suggestion is likely already being planned out and you'll get to see what you had in mind ;3. We'll just have to wait and see though on what Ren has in store for the next set of pages. We'll find out soon enough as is on what Ren has planed what with this sweet "early access" perk we've got going on X3.