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This is just in case any of you all are having issues with the dropbox link, like missing files or the link is straight up dead.

To begin with, I use Dropbox for -ALL- my art storage, for seamless transfers between my desktop/laptop and my tablet computer, without having to use an external hard drive. So I can access it on the go wherever there's an internet connection. After what I've been dealing with, it might be wise for me to start  backing everything up once every month or two to an external, or just straight up go back to keeping it on my external.

The past week or so, I've been running into a very serious issue with Dropbox deleting -everything- in my folders. I'm all "What the flying fuck is going on here?"

Fortunately, Dropbox had the right idea adding a file recovery function, stretching back as far as 30 days to recover anything lost or deleted. This I am very thankful for.

Now, I would not have a huge problem with this if the cell service out here wasn't abysmal, and my data was not limited. So that's around 250+ GB of files I need to restore and re-sync, and let me tell you, it takes god damn FOREVER out here.

This is the third time this has happened, and I'm getting rather livid right now. After doing some searching online, I have found my solution. I feel like an idiot.

On my Surface, my Dropbox files were all on the local C drive, and that that has been eating up space real quick, and the MicroSD I have in the slot isn't big enough to hold it all. I also noticed my go-to external 1 TB HDD is also getting pretty full too. So, to try and condense both and free up space, I get a new 2 TB external and try migrating stuff over to it, and it has freed up a lot.

After reading further into the matter, I find that if one has their Dropbox folders on an external drive, you better turn the fucking Dropbox app off before disconnecting that drive. Otherwise, the app will think YOU deleted the folders and files voluntarily, and it will send the command to ALSO delete the cloud-based files too. Then when you hook it back up, it has to resync all those files, and you've just thrown several hours of your life (and precious data) down the drain.

So yeah! Until I'm in a position where I don't need to constantly disconnect and reconnect my drive, I'm going to be putting all my art back on the external for now. Cause I know my dumb ass will forget to turn that app off before I disconnect the drive. 


Quantum Nova

Wait there's a Dropbox? I think I'm living under a rock XD


Hoh shit that's good to know o.o Given my college work storage situation, this would start to become very critical. Also explains what happened to those two college papers last semester >.>


Hmm .. maybe a cloud solution like google drive might help? As far as Storage Devices go i can personally recommend western digital RED Nas as HDD .. it served me well for constant use and its made for a raid system at least mine is almost silent and does not generate alot of heat, but of course i recommend a ssd if you get lucky with the pricing


Old joke: Administrators are divided into two types: Those who do not backup and those who become ...... It would be a complete failure if there was no restore function ... In your case, you can make external file storage from 2 or 4 drives with a total capacity of 8 to 16 terabytes.