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Thank you all for your patience! Your pledges have all been processed for November and December, and I've sent them out to all my Tier 2 supporters. Once more, if you know your payments are going through, and you're not receiving content, or if anything is missing, please let me know.

I'm getting back in the swing of things over here, and lemme tell you, I have some stuff in store! Going to also try getting cracking on the next Blackbird Compromised page, as well as new content with Shandra!

Still a while before I really come home y'all and resume a proper, normal schedule again, but I will say that in some of my New Years resolutions, I have some big plans in store for 2022! Sit tight! Have a good night y'all!


Quantum Nova

Where are the rewards supposed to be found at? Are they email?


I send them out by notes, but I'll check and see what's up if you're not receiving.