(NEW AERO COMIC) North Rising Cover (Draft) (Patreon)
(Posting this before morning PT y'all!)
Well folks, here is the cover to the next thing coming! I may be bringing additional teasers too later on.
As the title and image implies (and as some of you may know), it will feature Missy and Lucy, F-22 Raptors, going up against North Korean MiGs in a moonlit dogfight.
I first began test sketches for this during the first pages of NYS2 back in 2016, then it all snowballed into a comic idea. Originally? North Rising WAS going to be Not Your Sky 3, but because that arc was a bit of a hot mess IMHO, on and off "the set", and since I've pretty much declared NYS2 dead and decanonized, I've decided (with input from my friends) to rebrand and take this as an opportunity to start fresh, try some new stuff, now that I have full creative control, and use this to try and help solidify aspects to my aeromorph headcanon, which I've decided to call "Aero-Frames", for both the name of the canon, and the in-world formal, technical name for aeromorphs.
I estimate that North Rising is going to be a longer story than NYS2, but in order to make accommodations for my new hectic work schedule, I'm going to be covering it in multiple short chapters, so when I get to a certain point (end of a chapter), I can take a break at an 'intermission' without abruptly stopping the story in the midst of something tense or raunchy. For consistency, I will also be making the drafts for the pages in advance too, perhaps 5 at a time before I start finalizing them. For some of them, I'm going to try making the final linework off the bat to help speed this along too.
Though... Also because of my new schedule for the next 4 years, there may be some time gaps between my posts, and another drawback to this is that there may be a very 'slight' dip in quality here and there, such as unclean lines here and there, and 'cheap' shading, but I've got a way to make the latter work.