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Journal Entry of Mercedes Perez - Sigma Defense LLC

"As good as Weyland-Yutani pays, leave it to them to fuck with nature, and produce a whole new kind of ungodly monstrosity yet again... I've helped clean up the company's messes before, fought some bugs too...But this mess of theirs takes the cake... I have no idea what they did or what genetic cocktail they put together to make this batch of bugs... But they're far smarter and intuitive than any other bugs I've faced... They lured my squad into an advance... Poured in and killed almost everyone... I took a beating... 

But their aggression and hostility is somehow more greater than what their more primal kin exhibit... All I ever found in the wake of previous attacks were bodies literally ripped apart... A few weapons laying around unaccounted for... So it suggests they may have taken captives back... But these are far and few between... They must be very choosy of their new hosts...

But since I escaped... This one bug following me... This one everyone keep talking about is a big one the eggheads called "X-1". She was 'the first' apparently... Even if you didn't see the white tattoo on her shiny head... You'd know right off the bat... She wasn't your typical bug... By the way she moved, the way she 'looks' at you... She was almost very human-like in behavior... One of the eggheads suggests she's much smarter than she lets on...

She and the other bugs seem to secrete these pheromones... The guys in my squad didn't seem to be affected... But me? God... I've never gotten so riled up in my life before... Becca and Kendra seemed to feel it too... Seems they emit it wherever they go... At least that's one way I can tell they're near...

Hngg... Oh shit... I think they found me..."

And here it is folks! A Wey-Yu mercenary doing what she can to avoid this new horror her employers failed to contain. But it seems she's having a difficult time evading it!




Very erotic horror indeed. I love it!

Sunny Poptarts

Oooh I love erotic horror! Great picture! I love it :D


I'd hug that bug.


definitely adaptable to new situations XP


Gives "bug hunt" a new meaning for sure.