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Alright folks! Here's the time where Tier 2 patrons ask questions to characters in my roster, I pick a few and have said characters respond in sketch form!

EDIT: Please try and direct comments toward a specific character.



Hey Shandra! What kind of qualities would you like to see in an aeromorph male on the other side of the "Iron Curtain" nowadays? Mainly talking about Russian aero males. I hear a lot are pretty just...y'know...RUSSIANS. But I may know a guy that's different. ;)

Nicholas Smith

To all Aero's: Who is the one person you all try and avoid at all costs?

Radosław Błesiński

To all aero's: We know that the smallest of aeros are thing (drones). There are the biggest one there? Like BBW like size I mean?


To Amjad and Ren: Which of you two is the more powerful (fertile/potent) God?


To any non herm aero: How does it feel when you fallling into stall or corkscrew?


Follow up to Sam: Last month, you discussed a special cocktail of fluids and chemicals involved along with a set of "ingots" that are needed for you aeros in order to replenish your internal supply of Data Paste. Do you aeros have to have those installed into you by technicians or do you "ingest" them all by yourselves much like humans will eat a meal? I along with several others fascinated with your physiology have wondered if aeros like yourself "eat food" or an aeromorph equivalent.


To Shandra: Was it your own choice to become an Aeromorph and if so what effect did it have on the people that know you i.e. family and freinds?

Sunny Poptarts

To Silva: Have you ever had a crush on a human being that took care of you? Or vice versa? I kinda assume that humans do maintenance on you Aeros unless you do maintenance yourselves.


To any Aero: How do Aeromorphs age..? I've been wondering for quite some time and the only thing i could come up with was your minds (brains) slowed down and your chassis deteriorated with rust and weathering. Could you correct me if I am wrong, I would love to know. (I hope this wasn't insulting)