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And it's that time of the year, folks! Where Tier-2 patrons ask questions directed to my characters, and I choose a few of said questions and have the characters they're directed to answer them in sketch form!



My question is for Jack and Chris Martin... how often do you work out? Jack, do you think you can still take Chris on in a friendly sparring match? Also Chris, think you'll be as smashing stunning as ole pops when you're his age? -Kylie Lynn Martin

Xyda Azavayl

From ZiGiiZaGii - "To Any Aero - So if you are stationed across several areas of the world. Have Any of you been to Japan and had a particular... "Japanese Experience" by any chance?~ *Cough Cough* Tentacles *Cough Cough* "


To any Aero, after all the escapades -insert whoever answers here- of heading around the word, seeing the sights, fighting god knows whomever in the skies. There is one burning question the world must know to the one who answers....... how hard did you get your Genghis Khan on?


To Ray the B-1, or any large "male-equipped" bomber: As I understand it, some logistics go into maintaining aeros inside and out- Oil baths, for one. Hand-washing by human personnel has been mentioned before, but it was in the context of a fighter-sized legacy aero- Is it still a common practice for newer aeros and those of a large stature, or do they just hose you down or toss you in a bomber-sized shower to wash yourself? Additionally, if your external cleaning is done by someone else, where does that interaction sit on the scale of awkward versus sensual- Especially when having rather physically-imposing "Bombing equipment" scrubbed? Do you enjoy it, or is it just another day on the job?


To Sam or Silva: Since you all have shown that you can ‘hotswap’ your Data Delivery Modules for various models made for different roles, I’m curious how this affects the Data Paste you produce. I presume the Data Paste that’s produced is ‘coded’ to you to use traits from you for producing new aeromorphs. If so, how does all the ‘hotswapping’ affect your Data Paste? Do you have to have different Data Delivery Modules synced to you specifically so they produce coded Data Paste when attached to you?


To any Aero: so obviously you don't need a pilot or crew to operate but do you still take people with you sometimes or is that not possible anymore?


To any aero: how transport/paratroopers aeromorphs looks/works?

White Chapel

To any AeroMorph willing to answer this question: is there any older aeromorphs you visit in your off time or view them as a parent in a way? even knowing they are taken care of would you still visit them on your off time to check up on them?


To any Aero: Are there any AeroMorphs that are Helicopter based? Or is it only fighter jets? But If there ARE helicopter based ones, can they carry personnel around?

White Chapel

Sam, have you ever mounted a heavy hitter Tank morph like the little maus? if so what was your reaction to seeing her?... before you two had some fun. huehuehue

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 16:56:27 To Aeros in general. What would a fully-laden Tanker Aeromorph look like? Are there any in existence? Also, in regards to my last question to Sam, I meant to say F-22, not F-32! >_< Sorry for the confusion Sam!
2018-03-25 02:42:48 To Aeros in general. What would a fully-laden Tanker Aeromorph look like? Are there any in existence? Also, in regards to my last question to Sam, I meant to say F-22, not F-32! >_< Sorry for the confusion Sam!

To Aeros in general. What would a fully-laden Tanker Aeromorph look like? Are there any in existence? Also, in regards to my last question to Sam, I meant to say F-22, not F-32! >_< Sorry for the confusion Sam!