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That time of the month again, people! Where Tier 2 patrons post questions for characters on my roster, I pick a few and have the aforementioned characters answer in sketch form!



To any Aero: Do you prefer life as a Aero or as a human? There has to be pros and cons to each.


To Sam and Missy: Pranks on other units are a time honored tradition in the military, and since Connie already brought up the topic of 'pranking' the F-22s she knows periodically, Have you or your squadron mates ever got back at any F-23s when the opportunity arose? Any juicy details are always welcome.


To spitfire: Have you took part in battle of Britain? If yes, can you answer: have you seen Italian aeromorphs?


My question is for Jack and Chris Martin... how often do you work out? Jack, do you think you can still take Chris on in a friendly sparring match? Also Chris, think you'll be as smashing as ole pops when you're his age? -Kylie Lynn Martin


To any aero: how you, aeromorphs, fightning fears of war? Was there any event, when your battle comrade died. How's was your reaction to all of it?


To any Aero: As a welder myself, I was wondering. How do you get repaired from any physical damage? Such as: Bullet wounds, gashes, dents, and parts literally flying off? I assume that since you're more mechanical, repairs and replacement parts get welded on, or do you heal and recover overtime? But if it IS by welding... Where can I sign up to help?


To Sam (Or any other Aero capable of mounting that enhanced package. :P) Do you actually like having such massive equipment, if only temporary? Does changing parts of you like that get annoying/painful or anything like that? And don't worry Sam; the F-32 is amazing. The F-35 has nothing on you. You especially! ;)

White Chapel

Hey old aero ladys out there, have you ever had a crush on a aero that was and adversary? If you are not allowed to say then a member of the other parts speak for them.


Question to Felicia, how was it as a top tier cold war navy fighter? Did you ever tease of play around with your Air force compatriots or just Buzz their towers.


To any Aero out there; have any of you heard any rumors of any saucer like Aeros roaming about?


To all Male Aero: I need to know...did your female human creators and/or engineers have cock worship you in any way? Like they try to dry humping you or take pleasure when dealing your cock and/or balls? I sort imagine them mounting you when you sleep like this: <a href="https://cdn.anisearch.com/images/anime/screen/1/1413/full/140295.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.anisearch.com/images/anime/screen/1/1413/full/140295.jpg</a>