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That time of the month again, folks! Where my Tier 2 patrons ask characters in my roster a question, I pick a few and have the respective characters respond in sketch format!

I'm currently working on the answers for last month right now, and should have them up shortly after posting this!


White Chapel

I will ask to any aero out there, which one of you remember or miss you siblings, the one you served with and lost to war, , "Do aeromorphs get PTSD? like a human?


To any Female Framed Aeros, do you have to get your long range tanks replaced every so often, like after an encounter that you may get shot at and or just general wear and tear?


Kasatka: Shandra, you, me, Hawaii sunset on Big Island, pick you up at 5:30?


Ji-Ae can I hear about another "kill" you got during your service?


Aero Christmas party?


Ji-Ae, I have heard that glorious leader of North Korea knows of a new form of deterrence against imperialism, NUCLEAR SUICIDE SQUADS!! So tell me you miracle of engineering... has great leader attempted to sodomize your ass with a nuclear device? To turn you into the next generation of North Korean self guided nuclear freedom missiles? (This is a reference to a REALLY old news story about this.)


For Davina: What made you want to be a herm aeromorph most, if not all the time we see you? While I don’t mind you as a herm and think it a bit cute, I was wondering this because we see your daughter Missy and several other of your progeny that prefer to go around as females most of the time. Any ‘secrets’ you wanna share by chance?

White Chapel

Hey any of you aeros from the communist country's out there, how would you like to see the first communist aero in person? Get to host a member of the Glorious beginning of the Communist Regime in Russia in one of your bases for a while ?^^ :)


@Sergei: Sergei you say your running around as a hired gun now. Do you have any hobbies or places that you want or might want to pursue? You know to make you look more normal.


To any of Aeros (Preferably the sexiest) How do you guys adjust to such sexualised forms and the total innability to have any sort of modesty? Was it an easy change, or do you still feel shy about it at all? Do any of you wish for less endowment? Do any of you wish you were even more voluptuous?


To the beautiful nika how does the whole weapons system work I’ve been confused could you tell me tavarish commander?


For any aero whats the average size of your cumshots i mean those huge balls must churn out alot. is cumming inside another areo guarantee pregnancy for the one taking such a load?

Reiku Yin

To any areo with male equipment do answer me this. you are mechanical in nature correct? You seem to engage in intercourse as normal flesh and bloods do, If you are pumps and valves as it were down there what actually triggers ejaculation? On that note, can one jut fire off anytime? Is the simultaneous more for pleasure sensors or programed or could one mechanically flood someone? To that end for the females, could you turn off your receptiveness/fertility?

White Chapel

Hey, on behalf of sikor i will ask a really serious question though, Shandra, when did Russian aeros become so..... rapey? Being ex CIA, you would maybe know this answer.