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That time of the month again, folks! Where Tier-2 patrons get to post their inquiries towards characters on my roster, and I select a few and have said characters answer them in sketch form!

Please try to keep it limited to ONE question per character.


White Chapel

Ah, I will ask, what is the posible future of aeros going into space? With space travel being around the band would that make a new generation and make the curent aero models made by the military now be obsoleat much like hard made the old pre jet age obsoleat? Or would you just be upgraded since it would be cheaper to do that to curent aeros instead of the older pre jet models? Asking becuse there are a few old birds that still got allot to give.


Question for the one of the Aeros who wants to answer. Is it possible for me as an none Aero to become an Aero? And if so, is it difficult, painful or dangerous?


Ji-Ae, I have heard that glorious leader of North Korea knows of a new form of deterrence against imperialism, NUCLEAR SUICIDE SQUADS!! So tell me you miracle of engineering... has great leader attempted to sodomize your ass with a nuclear device? To turn you into the next generation of North Korean self guided nuclear freedom missiles? (This is a reference to a REALLY old news story about this.)

Nicholas Smith

To any Aeros willing to answer: Other than enemies and those you make angry in a fight, just what else do you guys fear other than weapons?


To any aero who can answer this. What happens to aeros who are captured and "interrogated"? Are they ever seen again or do they stay with the enemy to keep being interrogated?

Vladdy Bladdy

Do you ever get cringe-y questions that make you feel embarassed or ashamed of your fans?


Any aeromorph willing to answer: When you and a partner breed, are you allowed any contact with your clutch once they ‘hatch?’ I have wondered if you get to interact much with your offspring in any way or if you are pretty much used to produce another batch and then you’re taken out of the ‘loop’ when it comes to what happens to them afterwards? I do hope that you’re allowed to stay ‘relevant’ to them once they hatch though; kinda bleak for you if not :(.


@Sergei Voslov: Sergei you've been quiet for a time. Could you perhaps tell us a bit about yourself?


Might be late but my question would be for Cyber Chris,"Are they able to make two of you? It would be fun seeing your herm or female form speaking to... erm... yourself? And if they could or did... Would you be the same person or... essentially twins with different ways of thinking? Or would your thoughts be synced? Sorry... lots of questions... maybe pick one if you select mine?" :3 PS. Love your work!


To any female Aero: is it possible to get pregnant from Human DNA? If so, what is the end result? Will the offsprings be the same model as their mother?