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Changed the lower half of the page up. The car pileup needed an explanation, so I changed it to a cute-ish image of Quart stopping off two hoses to help emphasize what's going on. 



Reiku Yin

The trouble with this plan however is that shes gonna have to keep that pressure down for a while or at least til a compromise is made. Still hilarious tho.


This definitely is easier to follow. That little image of Quart makes it comical what she's doing to the Flanker sisters there.


I wonder two things : 1) what would happen in real life if u were to do something like this like with a rubber band 2) how are teh Flankers gonna react, maybe by pulling one out and finishing one at a time ?


I like the change.

White Chapel

I like it a lot man.^^ I like it a lot.^^ they gonna pop if they don't release. XD told you they would learn in due time people. XP


Now this is much clearer than before and makes sense! Great change!