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That time of year folks, where Tier-2 patrons post their questions towards OCs on my roster, and I pick a few and have the characters they're directed to respond in sketch form. Sorry this is a little late!



I have a question for Ji-Ae. Could you tell us the story about the first mark you got on your nodes during your service?


This is something I've thought about asking for awhile now. To any Aero out there answer me this my brethren. Ya know how unlike our human friends we don't produce "bodily waste" like do, but except for one thing. Humans expel gas from their bodies due to digestion, but we as Aeros take in fuel for our engines, and since we are living creatures that means it counts as "eating" it, and expelling that used fuel for thrusters. What I'm getting at here is that, as Aeros doesn't that mean that we travel through the skies by "farting"? (Don't hit me I'M SPECIAL!)


This question is for Cyber-Chris. Since you have had your mind moved to a cybernetic body, I have wondered, do you miss/prefer your old male organic body or do you show a 'favoritism' towards your new cybernetic 'female' body?


Question for Katya, or any of your bombers - how do you Aeromorph bombers work? do you carry your payload under your wings, or a special compartment in your belly? Or?

Nicholas Smith

To the A-10's, just how tough is it with that gun to really talk or do anything else out of asking?


To any of the females: Do you actually enjoy being pregnant? Surely all that extra weight really taxes your airframe, let alone birth!


@B2 Spirit: how do bomb bays work/ fit onto your chassis? At a glance I'd guess on your abdomen, but where does that leave for the other parts that are normally there?


To any Aero what are some of the gunships like such as C-130's and AC-130's also what about the Flying Fortress from ww2?