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"Save a seat for AT&T too"

Simply put, I'm done with Patreon, I'm migrating over to Subscribestar sooner than I wanted. Profile is still under review, but here's the link https://www.subscribestar.com/renthedragonofficial
Last day for my Patreon page is August 5th, then the page will be dismantled and taken down.

This is ALSO the first time I've actually drawn Ren in actual clothing you can wear in public. At least in a LONG time. xP

To Patreon- I get it, Patreon, as a fellow Capitalist, I understand that as a business, you have to dip into our pots in order to keep the service running. THIS, did not bother me as much. As someone dabbling in the fields of IT in recent years, it can be a particularly restless and thankless field, and because it's not a perfect world, with inflation and the economy being what they are, the cost of goods and services go up. I get it.

I ALSO understand you do not want to deal with the shitstorm that comes with minors dealing in 18+ material. This is perfectly understandable. However, what gets me the most is despite your DOGSHIT record of preventing data breaches, you still badger and hound us to verify our identities, and have the nerve to hold back our income until we cave, and if we refuse, it all goes to you.

As someone who not only values their privacy, I am already EXTREMELY paranoid as it is in this day and age when it comes to Personally Identifiable Information. So, I tend to be quite apprehensive about people holding onto that kind of information, whether they agree to dispose of it upon verification or not, ESPECIALLY if they have a history of security problems.

Now, because I COUNT on the income from this page, I was FORCED to agree to your terms, but come the 5th of August, that is the LAST time you dip into my pot. I legit do not need to deal with this shit right now.

Furthermore, you've created quite a ripple of misunderstanding in the waters with your latest TOS update regarding 18+ content by failing to be more specific and clear on what was allowed and what was not. However, the fact you're even doing that alone tells me you're veering the road of Tumblr, and clearly you're not learning from them.




I'm looking forward to the subscription (I hope it will be democratic), in fact, everything is not very good, the social network X also blocks and deletes the posts of creators 18+, Patreon infringes on the rights, at least go to Boosty, and what if you raise your Discord server?

Dakota Laried Brock

An Extra $2.50 to subscribe to an inferior website that doesn't even have a mobile app 😒