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Exciting news Fincels:

Firstly, we’re blown away by how many sign ups we’ve had in our first three weeks. Because you’re here, it means we’re now able to make episodes of Fin vs the Internet on our own terms, not just when some mad cunt’s whisky company wants to get its tax bill down. Everything is going into making the show, so the more people sign up, the madder this thing gets.

On Tuesday, our final episode of series 3 will drop on patreon and for the time being this episode will be A PATREON EXCLUSIVE. Here’s a fun game for you to play when it drops- Which joke do you think means we can’t make it public and why? All will be revealed in the podcast ep that follows it.

Speaking of the podcast, from Monday FVI the podcast will go weekly!

We initially thought we’d try fortnightly to see whether people were into it, but given how many of you have sent messages, and given how much fun we had at yesterdays record, weekly episodes will be out first thing Monday mornings.

Finally, we’re going back into studio and making more episodes later this month. Something we’re only able to do because of this depraved community.

All of us are either touring or about to start- if you’re coming to a show, make sure to say hi afterwards.



Daniel C

Great to hear! Looking forward to seeing ya at Leicester Sq on the 23rd

Pete Snell

Can't wait to see your show down in Exeter!