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Hi all. I’ve been having internet issues since Saturday morning, so sorry that they haven’t been uploaded yet. I’m getting on to it. Uncut are enormous files and my internet speed is 0.1mb...

and I’ve tried hot spotting. And we’re in lockdown so I can borrow a friends internet.

the two most recent posts took over 24hrs to upload onto YouTube. Thanks for your patients and understanding.



No worries Mary, nothing you can do about it. Have no problem waiting until your provider gets their act together


Just try to not worry about it and do whatever YOU want until it gets fixed. I'm sure all of us have been there with the internet issues, always takes forever to fix. Keep your head up and don't worry about pleasing anyone else right now!


Thanks Mary I really appreciate the feedback, I noticed your internet was not good because of your recent Tweets and no Twitch GTA RP😢 Thank you for amazing content and amazing person you are!!

Whovian Prakash

No need to worry much about it. We understand uploading UNCUT videos are enormous tasks. Please upload whenever your Internet problems are solved. We don't like seeing you go out of your way and move heaven and earth to get your uncut videos uploaded.


No worries mate you pump out ALOT of content. Relax.


No worries, might be a good time to decompress and take some "me" time.


Im not a doctor so no patients here….haa ha im usualy not the spelling police…or whatever ….meant as a joke i realize some douches…criticize everything ….is douche allowed…???..oh well sorry