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Gabe Avena

It chapter one and two are my favorite films ever

Mister Lou

Night At The Museum

Andy Hafler

Alien Aliens Alien 3 Prometheus Covenant


I consider MCU a franchise so that’s number 1. Then I’d say Dark Knight. Then I’m going to sneak in with the Mission Impossible franchise. Some of early ones are kind of so so (especially the John Woo directed one) but the last 3 have been fantastic. The most recent one may be one of the best action movies of all time IMO. All the stunts are absolutely real, no green screen fakery and Tom Cruise does them all himself. Amazing film work.


Jason Bourne franchise is great too and I guess I skipped over Star Wars. Hard not to put that in the top 3.




Favorite Trilogy is Captain America


also Oceans 11, 12, 13 and 8 !

Sean Medellin

OCEANS 11,12, and 13 and then (oceans 8)

Joe Blankenship

Back to the Future, Also, the Harold and Kumar movies. First 2 are really good. 3rd one is okay.


Star Wars Original Trilogy. Always has that place in my heart.


ahh! so glad someone else in here mentioned these! absolute comfort food movies for me


Hangover series


I love the Bourne trilogy


I would go back bout 90ish years for The Thin Man series. The first one was released in 1934. Far as I know, it's the first movie series. Myrna Loy and William Powell had fantastic chemistry. There were 6 movies in that series. And those 2 made 7 more movies together that were good.

Texas Anla'Shok

I have a hard time picking favorites. MCU / Star Wars / Star Trek all hold about an even place for me. If we're not limited to movies, I consider Babylon 5 an excellent show that gets no where near as much attention as it should.


in order, top 3: original star wars (no remastering or whatever where they went back and added cgi scenes 20 years later) LOtR extended Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles, the old live action ones from the 90's

David Martin

LOTR, Back to the Future, Alien, Mighty Ducks, Bourne trilogy, and Oceans


Mad max series


terminator, predator

largo778 .

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Alien, Lord of the Rings, Dune (though that franchise has never had more then 1 movie, just lots of books), MCU, Indiana Jones, and that's just for movies, my book list is way too to long to list here


The Hangover 1,2, 3 would be fun 🐅

Cory Silver

Not a movie, but Twin Peaks.


Sometimes I think series of movies in terms of directors with distinct style Heat and Collateral as Michael Mann films Chris Nolan movies Sicario, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049 as Denis Villeneuve movies David Fincher movies Tarantino movies But here are some movies series for good measure: Terminator 1 & 2 are stellar (sequels not so good) James Bond movies (it depends) Mission: Impossible Blade Runner

Myles Away

Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 Terminator and T2: Judgement Day The entire filmography of Nicolas Winding Refn Mission Impossible series

Nicholas Hentges

As far as things you (probably) haven't seen, there is the Vengeance trilogy that is pretty fantastic. The first one has an American remake that is good too, but prefer the original.

Antwan V

The Mission Impossible series! Tom Cruise dope af, his stunts and the non cgi scenes are incredible. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


My top franchise list: Star Wars OT (Adywan edit/Unremastered) Terminator 1 & 2 Alien 1 & 2 Die Hard 1-3 MCU Underrated: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 & 2 (1990 and 1991, respectively; they were realistic and surprisingly adult before it was cool!) Ace Ventura 1 & 2

Action Hank

The Cornetto trilogy Shaun of the Dead Hot Fuzz The World's End British comedy at its best! Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are hilarious in these movies

Aaron Wolfe

1. MCU 2. Harry Potter 3. Lord of the Rings 4. Everything Dragon Ball (by everything I mean Z and Super, not the original anime or that ridiculous live action attempt) 5. Star Wars


I think you’ve reacted to most of my favs apart from the first two Terminator movies. But I do love the Cornetto Trilogy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. As for underrated I love the first three Underworld films although I might be in the minority there!

Daniel jackson

Sicario, Hell or High Water, Wind River


Lotr, (James Cameron's) Avatar/s, MCU, Jurassic park/world (can't wait for your uncut reaction of Jurassic world!) Many more...


Has to be either LOTR, Godfather, Indiana Jones, Star Wars or The Dark Knight.



Eric Bogerd

Definitely Lord of the Rings, but Indiana Jones and Star Wars original trilogies are right up there.


Either the Blood and Ice Cream/ Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz & The World's End) or the Toy Story trilogy

Whovian Prakash

Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End) Bourne Trilogy The Pirates of the Caribbean Ocean's Trilogy


The Bill and Ted’s Trilogy! It’s not a trilogy, but the Wayne’s World movies!!!!! Excellent!

Lemuel Daher

Bourne Trilogy Ocean Trilogy Mission Impossible. I know you're not a huge fan of Tom Cruise, but I think you would LOVE these movies. Thrilling and edge of your seat stuff, and the later ones have an ensemble cast so it's not just Tom!


John Wick or The Equalizer


The OG Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Toy Story 1-3, John Wick trilogy


The Man With No Name trilogy


Pirates of the Caribbean, J Park a close second. Ive watched both multiple times through.


Favorite recent trilogy is the Bourne series. Favorite multi-movie(2) is Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources. That last one, Manon, is one of the best films ever made. Guaranteed happy/sad cry at the end. Guaranteed.


Either Chris Nolan’s Batman or TLOTR which you’ve seen


Star trek…the motion picture is good but drawn out a little …..the wrath of kahn is in my top 10 movies..star trek iii is better than given credit for….most people love IV……V is weird but ok……VI is excellent…b4 watching star trek II you should watch the original series episode space seed……..with kahn…..ive always been the oddball that likes star trek better than star wars…..for awhile it was the only sci fi on tv kirk spock and mcoy….you memerized every word of every episode and loved it…and kirk is the alpha leader of all time

Action Hank

Sam Raimi's Evil Dead is a good underrated trilogy with awesome actor Bruce Campbell. Raimi is the director of the original Spider-Man trilogy and had Bruce Campbell cameo in all three movies. Campbell's character is the only one to defeat Spider-Man in the movies😂. From what I read when they almost made spiderman 4 Campbell was supposed to be revealed as Mysterio


The Romero trilogy: Night of the Living Dead(1968), Dawn of the Dead(1978), Day of the Dead(1985). We do not speak of his modern trilogy Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead.

Aaron Shore

The MCU is my favorite franchise, but also like the 3 original Star Wars films, the first 4 Die Hard films and the Back to the Future Trilogy.


The Blade Trilogy, Wesley Snipes is amazing haha


Back to the future 1-3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1&2 The Karate Kid 1-3 LOTR Trilogy


alright most my favs you've seen, but for a few I don't think you have: -Star Trek -Rush Hour -Xmen -The Fast and the furious -transformers -Paddington (about to be a trilogy, deceivingly brilliant)


That would be Star Trek, but the older films with the crews of TOS and TNG. The new films directed by J.J. Abrahams are not really my favourites. They are just missing the right Star Trek feel even though the actors (Pine, Quinto, Saldana, Urban) are good. So, it would be Star Trek I to Star Trek X then.


Hands down the best franchise for me so far has been John Wick. The first movie was the best but the following movies were very good also. Also enjoyed the Bourne franchise. If you haven't seen either I'd highly recommend them.