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Anakin Starkiller

It really depends on if your curious where all this started . The 1968 film is a masterpiece.


I would be interested in seeing your take on the original


Only interested in the original '68 film. The rest aren't really worth it tbh.


I wouldn't watch a reaction to the original movie but I would like to see the 2001 Planet of the Apes film

Denise Mullin

I would say, just the 1st one. It’s a classic. The others are forgettable


I have the box set and I think all of the original films are great, especially because of the actor Roddy McDowall. Escape from the planet of the apes is one of my favorites

Kevin Bartelen

They are considered classics by many.

Joe Blankenship

Just the first one. And maybe the Tim Burton one if you're curious.

Rick Runge

I would just say theres definitely no rush to watch the old ones.

Cory Silver

I say watch the first one... then Soylent Green. It stars the same actor, has the same general tone, all that. And oh man if you don't know what happens in the movie go in blind. I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want though. You should do the "Suicide Squad" Trilogy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmRih_VtVAs - First Movie So that's the first one, the second one is "Birds of Prey" Which is a personal favorite of all time holy good god amazing fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGM4uYZzfu0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3HbbzHK5Mc Then we have "The" Suicide Squad, comes out next week. It's going to be huge. Mega Huge. The director is James Gunn, the same guy that did the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. People are saying this is just as good as those. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg5ciqQzmK0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIxI_gJz-H8

Hector Rivera

That movie is a classic. I say watch it.


I’d be curious to see what you think of it.


I definitely would recommend to watch the classics if you wish to become a true cineast! Clearly, the viewing experience is warped compared with modern movies, since the technical standards were different then. But there are other merits: charm factor, great characters, better story-telling etc. More great scifi classics from back in the days: Forbidden Planet (1956), The Time Machine (1960), The Andromeda Strain (1971), Logan's Run (1976) As a thumb rule: If there exists a movie remake it's likely much worse than the original. I add my vote to Soylent Green and Planet of the Apes! Since both have become memes!


She's already watched Suicide Squad and Birds Of Prey I seen them on her "Movies I’ve already watched" list


I really hope we see a time when Mary will discover these classic of sci-fi and bring them to a new audience, I’m just gonna add my own favourite to your list and that’s the original DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL,.


The whole vibe of them is so much different than what you just watched. I think it’s something that you may want to get to on your own time but they’re really not reaction worthy and probably won’t get the algorithm bumping.

Myles Away

Just watch The Simpsons episode "A Fish Called Selma" and you'll get all of the original Planet of the Apes you need.


Can we stop romanticizing the original movies!? I think she’s better off moving on, the old movies aren’t worth it. Not compared to all the other movies out there!!!!

largo778 .

to understand where we are and where we are going, we must first know where we began. It is true that the older films have some issues due to when they were made, but understand that without them we would not have what we watch today. To appreciate the classics of today you must first appreciate the classics of yesterday.


Next thing it will be THE OMEGA MAN and SOYLENT GREEN…