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Warner blocked the video unfortunately

David Crabtree

Very excited for this reaction! If you're going to be diving into the DCEU, make sure you watch the Ultimate Edition of Batman V. Superman, and the Snyder Cut version of Justice League.


There was a fuel tanker in the city fight scene that said Lex Luthor on it as well as the satellite that superman got hit by said Wayne on the side of it


I have to agree with you on the Superman/Lois romance. It never felt right in this film. It felt very forced for the sake of the plot. If you get a chance (after you finish the current DC films), I'd recommend taking a look at Christopher Reeve's take in Superman: The Movie (1978). I think the relationship in that movie (with Margot Kidder as Lois) is a lot more believable.


The Lois/Clark chemistry worked a lot for me in this movie. The Lois/Kal chemistry not so much. When Lois is with Clark in this movie she is Lois. She is natural, she is smart, she is sassy, she is assertive and she looks like she finds him endearing and like his goodness makes her feel less jaded about the world. When Lois is with Kal in this movie she seems less sure of herself, more enamoured of him, out of her element. Basically she seems less than. Like a bunny in the headlights and that means only the one character is actively working the chemistry cos the other is busy looking awed. It’s not a good mix. Funnily enough that dichotomy is actually faithful to a lot of the source material. There are a great variety of variation of Lois and Clark/Karl’s characters but in many Lois is a bit awed by Superman and is a less equal partner in any social interactions between them. But that doesn’t work in this movie (and is a vestige of an older, more patriarchal version of gender roles/character types in any case) because in those renditions SHE DOESN’T KNOW CLARK AND KAL ARE THE SAME GUY. In this movie she does and the differential just doesn’t make any sense and just serves to disrupt the actors’ focus on the interactions between the two (ie disturbs the chemistry) IMO. Also I have to agree with Ron: the relationship build was squeezed enormously in this script and just didn’t have a chance to bear fruit naturally. IMO displays of affection should either only be seen between Clark & Lois (ie when he’s not in the suit) or Cavill should have been instructed to play Clark instead of Kal whenever he is in the suit and he and Lois are alone together (as he did with his mother after he saved her from Zod). Also IMO that’s on Zach not Henry btw. I saw him play Clark and Kal perfectly as slightly different personalities and I saw him play Clark in the suit perfectly in that scene with Ma Kent. I think Zach really wanted to bring that relationship between Lois and Kal to the screen and I don’t think it works today if it ever really did.

Thomas Yanez

After snapping Zod's neck, "Aww, that's the first person he ever killed..." ... sure, except, you know, the thousands of people in those buildings that didn't have advance warning that a couple of gods were going to be duking it out in the middle of their city.