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the boxed screen is definitely a faster way to edit that's for sure but wanna know your thoughts on it anyways.

the reason i did the circle in the past is because i had a plane white background and wanted to make in interesting somehow so I made the movie the focus.... now that i have a cool background and led lights, i thought i'd change it up. most reactors do the boxed screen



The circle of you with the movie taking up most of the screen makes it easier to keep an eye on the scene while still focusing on your reaction.

Dillon Decair

Box screen all day. I’m here for your reactions and can see you better that way. Plus I’ve literally seen every movie the average person can name already.😂

Ryan Ernst

Yes, it’s all about your reactions to the movie


Ryan, would love your opinion on the edit flow of my Spider-Man early access vid if you ever get a chance to watch it 😱🙏👌🏼