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Hi all... So the YT link was blocked... Ugh

Here it is on google drive instead



avengers uncut.mp4




Kevin T

"The desktop audio was on!!" xD


“Why did he give him $10?” You missed the part where Cap said to Fury “I doubt anything would surprise me “ and then Fury said “ten bucks says you’re wrong”


So you missed a Mid Credit scene with the guy who gave Loki the scepter and the army The funny thing is even with how epic this Avengers is... you still don't know how epic this is all REALLY going to get when it's all said and done. The MCU is probably the greatest achievement in CINEMATIC history with what they accomplish and the scale of all of this ;-)


So who's your favorite avenger so far?


“I thought he was a main character!!” Welcome to Joss Whedon.


The absolute best part of this movie is seeing the hero’s with their own histories and backstories interacting and ultimately coming together. It was a joy to watch you experience it like I did in the theaters. I very much look forward to what’s to come


Ruffalo is a FAR better choice for Banner. Give him a chance and I think you'll agree over time.

michael mccafferty

"red in my ledger" is an old fashioned accounting term. You use black ink when recording a profit, red ink when recording a loss.

Ryan Ernst

So GLAD you enjoyed this movie! Also happy you appreciated Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner. You are now officially a MCU fan :) As was already mentioned, please add the mid-credit scene to your review. It’s an important one. FYI, several MCU movies have more than one credit scene going forward. Iron Man 3 is next!

Ryan Ernst

FYI, today is both Scarlett Johansson’s and Mark Ruffalo’s Birthday :)


Being the first collaboration movie with all the different characters, it was fantastically integrated into an amazing storytelling experience. With each movie you'll continue to learn and love the characters more and more such that, by the time you get to Endgame, you'll be extremely surprised by how invested you've become. It is a long road until then with many more stories to learn. Take your time to enjoy them because the first experience is always the sweetest. You are just doing this for you, and we are just viewers grateful to see someone else experience the magic as we once did, so that in some small way we, too, can relive those moments which defined and shaped the superhero and comic adaptations of today. Sorry about the audio troubles w/ YT. Hopefully you're able to find a way to sort it out as this reaction was fantastic and viewers love to see reactions to this film. If not... well... sh*t happens.


Here’s the thing about MCU films, some have “mid-credits scenes”, some have “post credits scenes”, and some have both. Avengers had both and you missed the extremely important mid-credits scenes. Always let the credits play through. LOL

Karan Gidwani

if you care about Agent Coulson then you should watch agents of SHIELD tv show. it connects with these movies in very small ways. Phil Coulson is in there. They bring him back to life. Not spoilers. Literally happens in the first 10 min i think.. one of the contributing reasons towards the creation of the show was to have the much loved Coulson character to play a lead character in the tv show but there is a good story to it if you watch the tv show. I think if you enjoy these movies, then you'll enjoy the show as well

Stefan suchy

This is my first video here and I have some audio issues. Even at full volume I can barely hear you. Unfortunately, you hear the film all the time. I'll see how I can do it best. That seems to be only in the video.

Baron Imhoof

In case you haven't been told- the reference to flying monkeys is from Wizard of Oz. Cap would have seen it before WW II.

RJ Dough

pretty cool they brought that convo with tony and bruce full circle about what the hulk saved banner life for and tony said i guess well find out... it was so he could snap and bring everyone back.. just fyi in case you didnt catch it

Josh Lomax

You should really watch Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. it is directly tied into the MCU. It hties in well with the MCU films. It has guest appearances from established MCU Characters, like Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Sif (from Thor) and eben has an MCU character on the main cast (wont say which for spoiler purposes) and now that the show ended, there are rumors that one of the characters from the show could be in MCU movies in the future. You could react to it, of course, or watch it on your own time but its definitely worth a watch.

Cory Silver

Great video, despite the technical issues. So what can I contribute? Well, trivia. Sure. So Avengers #1, the issue. The main bad guy is Loki, and his plan is to use the Hulk to cause chaos. There is no Captain America yet. He's still frozen in the ice at this time. He's not added to the team until Issue 4 I believe. So the original Avengers team was Thor, Hulk (Although Hulk ditched the team right after this basically), Iron Man, Ant Man, and the Wasp. Then after a bit Captain America joined the team, and Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch joined. They were originally bad guys, in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The X-Men's rival team. They were also Magneto's kids. Here's a fun video all about Avengers #1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svl_4EsjG8A Also yes, Agents of SHIELD is a cool show. You would love Fitz-Simmons