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hey all, sorry for the delay with this I was meant to have this up for friday and then saturday but i was struggling with my mood. and when im not in the right headspace it's hard to film and be my normal bubbly self. i finally felt a bit better last night and watched avengers so the uncut version will come soon :) thanks for your patience!

the first 24 mins of the movie i accidently had the movie audio playing as normal T___T so i had to lower the volume for that part, but otherwise no other huge dramas




Sounds like you’ve had a rough week but on the bright side, that top is 🔥


Good luck with editing! Your health def comes first.


So.... not today either?


Am I just an idiot. When I look at the posts here on Patreon, this is the latest post I see for you. I am looking in the wrong place?


Ah ok I see Dustin, You're in the early access tier :) I am currently working on the edit for early access. the Uncut video has been up since yesterday. Please be patient with me, it'll be here soon


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I wasn’t in the correct tier for it. My bad. No rush, we appreciate the content!


I said screw it and upgraded to the $10 per month tier. LOL Thank you!