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Loads of people tell me the first 2 seasons are not worth reacting to. Tbh I am put off by reacting to it and just wanna watch it privately, but I know some do want me to react. So I'd like your honest opinion as to what seasons You my patrons would like to start seeing me react to. Please keep in mind, this will take time away from my movie reactions and i've of course already started avatar and mandalorian.

Even if you think only some episodes from different seasons are worth a reaction, I'd love to know about it. Thanks!



Any seasons

Ryan Ernst

I’d prefer to see more movie reactions and believe you’ll gain additional subscribers and Patreons from doing so. That being said, I’m glad you are watching The Clone Wars privately. You deserve to watch some things merely for your own enjoyment.


End of season 5 and end season 7


Season 3 onwards. The first two aren’t bad, but are a bit more kid like and disjointed in parts.


Season 2 has some very good episodes and so does season 1. I don’t think it’s wise to exclude entire seasons because it may be lackluster to some people. I think it’s worth reacting to.


The Clone Wars gets so much better as the Seasons progresses :) however it caters to a very specific niche audience so i agree with Ryan's comment above that its better to do a variety of movies as it will allow YouTube algorithm to help gain you new subscribers. There are many great classics out there waiting for your reactions :p such as Indiana Jones Trilogy, Groundhog Day, The 5th Element, Back to the Future, Aliens, Spaceballs (great and funny Star Wars parody), Beetlejuice (nice for the coming Halloween), Edward Scissorhands, The Goonies.. and modern titles such as Avatar, The Dark Knight, Interstellar, Inception, Moon, The Martian, Ip Man, Taken, Ex Machina and should you wish to return back to TV series, there is always The Expanse.. ;)

Kevin T

I loved the Clone Wars and Rebels was a solid follow up, but I'm not sure it's really a show that is super reactionary worthy, especially early on. It definitely starts centered around kids. That said, I'm sure we would all enjoy seeing them if you post. But, taking a note out of Dennis' response above, I think a GREAT show to react to + that will gain you a ton of new followers (and possibly patrons) is Attack on Titan :). The episodes are short like Avatar so it's not a huge time commitment in one go! Plus it has one of the best payoffs I've seen in any series!

Mitchell Scott

I personally suggest reacting to Season 5, 6 and then 7 as they will have the most audience impact. Rebals is sort of a sequal so if you feel up to it, I'd react to that too which is only 4 seasons. These shows also feed into other content coming out over the next few years (we hope). Either way, enjoy! Feel free to ask us questions on any lore or general quaestion you may have, and we will try to answer without spoiling ;)


Certainly the final two seasons for sure. I'd say judge how you feel during the seasons as they go on. Personally I didn't like most of S1 and S2. From 3 onwards it gets better. And the final season is incredible. Massively better than the awful sequels Disney put us through.


Prioritize the MCU stuff first and worry about all that other stuff later, it can wait 😉

David Robinson

Yeah the Final Season was a set up for the Spin Off, First two seasons are not in chronological order which is confusing for new viewers.


I also did not like season 1 and 2 season 3 onwards is mutch better


my 10 yo inner self will tell you to watch it; now its a little rough not going to lie but its a good show because all the lore around Anakin role as teacher as well as caracter development with Ahsoka, which is my personal favorite