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Hello. I'm drained. These last eps are so much longer than any videos I used to post on my channel.. I was up till 1am last night for the previous ep, then got up at 6am for the live chat, then had a shift from 7am-4pm at my only remaining job. Got home at 5pm and have been working with my shitty lil lagging laptop since then. It's 12.20am right now and my eyes sting so much, and I really can't look at my screen anymore. 

It's been one of those days. Sorry, y'all. I really wanted to get this one up earlier. I was at 3 days early access, then 2 days, then 1 day... but as these eps have gotten longer and as I've been pumping them out every single day in a rush to catch up with the rest of the world and to have them out for everyone to enjoy, it's truly been the hardest I've ever worked.

I'm stupidly tearing up/getting super emotional at the moment, cos I am so physically/mentally exhausted. I just need sleep and I'll be ok. I think for my own sake I won't even join the live chat even though tomorrow's episode is a great one.

I have season 1 and season 2 of deleted scenes for dark, and part 1 and part 2 of bloopers up in the meanwhile which I hope you can enjoy until I get the early access vid ready. It's about 8 hours delayed. So not that bad I guess, but I just feel overwhelmingly guilty that some of y'all might have signed up for my Patreon because of that sole reason and I've let you down, you know?? 

Some good news... I'm buying an iMac tomorrow if it all goes well. My friend found one for me on  Facebook marketplace and the specs look great enough to process projects as big as the ones I work on for editing. I just couldn't wait another month for it and continue to torture myself on this laptop lol. Anyway, first world problems I know. I'm going to sleep and work again in the morning. 

Thanks for understanding x Mary



Ryan Wills

Mary, you don't have to feel bad. You've given us early access to content all the way up to this point, with a bunch of additional, exclusive content on top of that. You're still providing a great service, and we've enjoyed it. It's true that many of us started to support you because you started watching Dark, but I can say my own support here (on Patreon) was not exclusively for the additional content - it was to help support someone who was providing quality content out there for free in the first place, and to encourage you to keep doing something you seem to be adept at, something you seem to enjoy. Keep doing what you do. Just do it at a pace that doesn't run you into the ground. Trust me, we'd rather have better quality content that you have excitement and energy for than poor quality content that you just have to phone it in for because you don't have the time or resources to keep up. That's the reason we're here to begin with!! You're fantastic. We're here for it!


Hi Mary don’t beat yourself up about it ok. I love your content all of it not just Dark and please do it on your own pace so that you can still enjoy it. Your really impressive a video everyday for more then a month. I have to be honest I couldn’t do it. You just did a wonderful job with it all and even if you did only a video a month I would still support you. Your so much worth it your channel is the best. Have a nice sleep there and take good care of yourself.🙂🙂


No worries, don't kill yourself for us!


Thanks so much, everyone for your words, I know all the pressure I feel isn't projected by you guys but rather self-imposed and balance is something I really need to work on, so I probably won't ever do 7 uploads a week. Especially if I wanna make longer videos. It's just crazy- I never did that working professionally and professionally no one ever expected that kinda work from me, but I started doing it to myself just to challenge myself and yeah I'm pooped. Anyways, here's the early access video: https://youtu.be/rNRVlTS-DpM :D :D finally!!! it's 20 mins