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I just wanted to make a blog post to thank all of you guys that joined me in the launch of my Patreon account. I just sent my first pay to my paypal account and I'm in complete disbelief and I'm so shocked that 25 people on planet earth, believe in me and my content enough to support it. My first goal is to upgrade my computer so I can make videos faster, and 2nd goal is to invest in a better camera and then audio (to cancel out the car and truck noises that you saw in my bloopers video haha), so you guys are contributing to making my content better and honestly there aren't enough words that I can formulate the express the amount of gratitude I have. You are all seriously amazing.

I am guessing you have all read my 'about section' and 'goals' section of my page-- but basically I've been on YouTube for years and never ever thought about starting a patreon account. There are a few reasons why I never thought it a possibility.

1) I have severe imposter syndrome. I never thought that I'm worth it or that people would invest in my content and it would be super embarrassing to even ask for help. Asking for help is a very vulnerable thing to do and I've never been one to like to do that.

2) I've always had a full time job. I worked in the media industry, so I was producing video content 9-5 Mon-Fri and when I got home from work, producing more content for me was never appealing enough for me to take seriously. I didn't put enough effort in my videos back thenm compared to what I do now. I didn't care about channel growth. It was always the bare minimum (so again, didn't think that was content was worth it back then). Personally, I didn't/don't really watch reaction videos myself (which is bad because for research purposes, I should've been, but that goes back to not caring enough about my own content) so in saying that, I didn't now reactors/reviewers had patreon accounts.

3) I was posting 'copyright risky' content, so I thought if I'm always being demonitised/blocked on YouTube, there's no way I could ask for support on another platform... Upon returning to YouTube this year, I learnt that copyright has become slightly better for creators in 2020 and actually loads of reactors/reviewers have a patreon account. 

I quit my full time job last year in August to go traveling in Europe for 3 months and when I came back from Europe, I had 5 casual jobs and I lost 4 of them due to covid19. Job hunting has been very bleak for me ever since March/April. There's either nothing available, or there's nothing out there that would keep me happy in the long run. So yeah, I had the idea of starting this up and so far I've felt very blessed and that's all thanks to you guys. If things go well enough, I might not even have to keep looking for a job and maybe I could keep making YouTube videos :) that would be such a dream!! :D

Most of you have come from Dark- so watch out for Season 2 deleted scenes :) I'm going to upload them episodically instead of as a packaged video like I did with Season 1, cos season 2 deleted scenes are much larger files. 

Anyway, thanks for reading this and thanks again for your support :) 



Ryan Wills

Mary, believe me when I say, you've been doing wonderfully. You absolutely deserve the following you've garnered so far, and I'm sure that will only grow with time if you choose to continue with it! I loved your content way back when, when I was just watching your GoT reactions, and I've been loving it even more following along with your journey with Dark. As someone who consumes a lot of reaction/reactor content, I can tell you honestly that your style, approach, and wit is unique in the space, and I think you could really flourish doing this and more. I think a lot of us have "imposter syndrome" sometimes. But I'll tell you this - the people who have already jumped on board so quickly(?).....it's not just a coincidence. I'm not trying to say that the patrons you've garnered aren't nice people (lol); I'm just saying that's not the sole reason they're here. You offer valuable content, and we're willing to pay you for it. It's not the only sort of affirmation that matters, of course...but it should tell you something. What you do is impactful, and people want it! So here's to your continued success!!


Your such a sweetheart! Keep it up and this community will for sure continue to grow. You deserve this and more, don't forget and stay positive!!

Emad Abdellatif

I was just thinking the other day “How are her videos that well edited with great graphic thumbnails, and doesn’t have over 100K subscribers?” It makes a lot of sense now that you said you just came back to youtube after a long hiatus. Your content is fantastic. It’s also very encouraging to see content creators making use of their community’s support to continue to improve their work. That’s a sign of a very passionate individual who’s willing to go the extra mile to offer great content for their audience. Keep it up!


I was also astonished that you could deliver video content every single day with such good quality...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. At the end of the day it's all about trying to find out what makes us truly happy regardless of what others might tell you, and having a balance between work and life. I think the key part is being true to yourself, accept that it is impossible to make things perfect, allow yourself some degree of failure and, most importantly, enjoy the journey rather than thinking constantly about the "what ifs". I think you are doing totally fine, you are charismatic and always with kind words and good vibes. Keep the good work! Also, whether it becomes a success or a not-such-a-great-success, be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished so far. It is all a learning experience, be confident that you are bringing something unique and different to the table and nothing negative can come out of it! There is nothing wrong when you try your best and challenge yourself so much as you do, even if at times the results might not be rainbows and butterflies. Best of luck!


yea exactly, i'm glad i'm giving it a go and had that as an option, when everything else fell through. I'm super proud of this month that I've had :)


Thanks for al your work Mary. You deserve all this and more. What you did last month with the daily videos was just fantastic. Your a nice person and I wish you all the success in the world. That all your dreams may come through.


Do you like teaching? Maybe some short videos about editing tricks could also bring some revenue on a monthly basis. Maybe some udemy course of sorts as passive income will help you.


I don't think that setting up a Patreon account is a search for or asking for help, as you wrote, but a legitimate step in self-marketing and self-realization. You produce entertainment for viewers and that should be paid for in some way (depending on supply and demand, of course). We pay for Netflix, Spotify, Amazon etc. The fact that Youtube offers free entertainment is in my opinion an exception, which is compensated by Patreon, i.e. voluntary payment, and is also totally legitimate. Keep up the good work, basically only the technology stands in your way - the supporters are here for a reason. Better technology = more videos = more viewers = more money for you = happy you. Btw, how did you like Europe? :)

Jason Faria

We got you. If you are interested check out the boys.


Team bryce or team hannah?


John Wick Franchise :)