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People always ask me for longer videos... this is why I keep them short😢. I got a slow processing laptop 👨‍💻 plus whilst exporting I can’t use any other application cos my computer is way too slow... so I can’t even edit another video while I’m waiting. can you imagine an unedited (1.5hour) video? 😅😅 Anyway the video I am exporting is an early access for s02e05! I cried like I baby in this ep 😫😭




<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/mRVP5ds4U5e2Dp_P9H9etIo_722sCCpw_NzD8f9d4x3ThEBsI9AuAEZHOK89sll9.png?token-time=1632009600&token-hash=6qD4JIe78PENd1Glvw8KWQrvSq-DGMLl1T9BxztqbbA%3D"><br>


You have my admiration for all your work and patience Mary. Yes this episode was really sad.😢