New filming room (Patreon)
I used to cram alllllll of this stuff in my bedroom. There was literally no space and it was completely overcrowded. Today I spent the day putting all of this stuff in my brothers old room which has turned into my little studio. 🥰🥰🥰
So my s2e3 reaction may be a lil delayed on here.
Hopefully in time when I can afford it I can buy a MAC computer with faster processing speed to make editing a lot less overbearing for me.
The I’ll put that computer on my desk behind the green screen.
At the moment I’m working off a laptop (which was given to me by a friend in 2017) but it hasn’t got enough RAM or ghz or whatever (I’m not very technical) so whenever I edit, playback is SO painfully slow and exporting is so painfully slow. So that’s my new goal. Originally it was going to be to buy a new camera- but because I edit every day now, that’s the new goal. 🤩
Little by little I’m trying to improve quality. It is so much fun!