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PATREON EXCLUSIVE: Dark Season 1 Deleted scenes



Ryan Wills

Regarding the 33-year cycle and the universe...I’m certainly no astrophysicist, but outside of some incredibly limited and narrow sense (i.e. the relative position of some particular solar planet with regard to the earth maybe, or the resetting of the lunar cycle), it’s not really true. I love sci-fi. It’s probably one of my favorite genres. Dark definitely qualifies, but it’s no “hard sci-fi” to be sure. The efficacy of any of its scientific claims or ponderings are, to my understanding, tenuous and speculative at best. Even the small areas of contact with philosophy (something a little more in my own wheelhouse) in the show are pretty dubious. I don’t present either as slights to the show, of course. The story is so beautifully layered that they get pretty much every pass from me on that front. Which is a testament to the incredible writing because if it was a lesser show, I do think some of that conceptual flimsiness might get in the way of fully enjoying it. In any case, thanks so much for giving us this bonus content. I absolutely cannot wait to see how you weather the second season. Strap in (lol)!


Thanks for the deleted scenes Mary. I loved seeing it.🙂