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Due to the recent DMCA takedowns that have affected a lot of the reaction community in regards to certain series, we have to make some important decisions that will effect this channel moving forward.

Make sure you watch the video so you are fully informed on the changes incoming.

NOTE - This does NOT affect One Piece.

Discord - https://discord.gg/JdCqa64d

Discuss on Twitch live now HERE - https://twitch.tv/allonsyyy_ 


Patreon Update

Watch "Patreon Update" on Streamable.



Well put. Hope everything works out 💪🏼


Sounds very stressful. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. Is it just the uploading reactions directly to patreon or links to streamable are also getting slammed?

Eternals Developing

While I understand that full, uncut reaction videos basically means you're letting people watch stuff "for free" together with you and that the companies who own the copyrights for that content has every right to strike at you for it, I find it hard to think of anything more petty and pathetic of them to do. I mean, I'm allowed to show the stuff I buy on my TV for my friends at home so why should the internet equivalent be any different?


Even streamable accounts have been getting slammed. Quite a few reactors have had their streamable accounts terminated and lost it all. So wild!


I totally get that they're within their rights but it's the idea they're not making money because people are watching reactions just isn't correct. People buy the manag getting into reaction series and have already watched the show numerous times. Either way, a fight we don't have a say in sadly.


Ah damn that really does suck. Real bummer about the Naruto series reactions ☹️ it was a pleasure watching you fall in love with it

Buck N

Hey so I'm somewhat new to the discord side. Where within that will I be able to view the remaining Boruto reactions?

Buck N

I thought I did but now looks like I successfully have. Finding it in Member Zone under Master Lists. Thank You.