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Watch "FAIRY TAIL 5-6" on Streamable.



Fairy tail haters will mostly complain about the power of friend things, I personaly never had a problem with this. Honestly, sometime yeah they are holes in Fairy Tail I won't lie to you but it's not as bad as people paint it at all. Kazuzo who is on Projet Senpai with you is pretty far on Fairy Tail I'm sure he could give his opinion to you but he also seem to enjoy it. The pacing in Fairy Tail is really good, when it's come to the musics? Even the haters have to agree with the fact that the sountrack are fire. You will get to see differents powers the more you goes on with the series. When it's come to favorite character, mine is Lucy. She got a ton of hate, people always love to say she is useless and weak when I find it so untrue. I feel like people mostly say this because they compare her to Erza, Grey and Natsu without thinking about how long she praticed magic and joined a Guild. I feel like one of the reason is also because a lot of people just love brute strengh and hand to hand combat, for me, it isn't everything. Also Lucy is often use as comedic relief and unfortunately the one with the most fanservice (a little bit too much for me). So, you need to pick details (that will come later) to see how strong she actually can get. In my opinion, I love Lucy because she isn't strong right off the bat but that's what make her growth so good, you follow her steps in Fairy Tail, she is definitely one of the most realistc character in the series,. She have some good fights later on but I won't lie to you I feel like they could have highlighted her more sometime when it's come to power/fights. Fairy Tail is really great, I'm glad you appreciate it, it's get better as the show goes