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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 263" on Streamable.



The reanimations can be sealed or trapped. but depending on there mindset i guess they can release themselves. i think it's an inner peace type deal

sean reading

love the reactions, but one thing you got wrong was why deidera was upset about sasori passing. even in the anime, sasori was essentially deideras only true friend, and losing him a second time was kinda heartbreaking for him


I dont really understand the perspective of people wanting to cement Danzo as some type of hero lol. Dude was an asshole who caused all the worst things in the village. At some point, your intention doesn't matter. The results and the repercussions outweigh what your intent was. You can't just kill everyone and anyone and say you did it with good intentions and still be respected.


Sai's brother had the same incurable disease as Itachi. It seemed to be a disease that was running rampant throughout the land of Fire.


It’s difficult to say it was something which was understood wrong as in the anime it didn’t exactly convey them as friends or explore that. I can’t think of any examples where it was eluded to that they had a bond other than having worked with each other for a while and sasori being kept waiting and getting annoyed 😂