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Going forward, whenever there are mixed canon/filler episodes of Naruto Shippuden would you guys prefer for me to just fast forward through the flashbacks scenes (which would mean videos would naturally be shorter during these episodes) or would you prefer me to watch them?

The inevitable suggestion of "just film more episodes and combine them" etc is not an option as I'm already filming in excess of 20 episodes of anime a week and I already currently don't have any days off (literally at all xD)

Remember, you guys can all fast forward my reactions, I can't! xD

Let me know your thoughts on the flashbacks!


Andrew G

I’m conflicted lol maybe I shouldn’t vote lol


I voted skip but I think you should just make a judgement call in each instance. If you don’t remember something/wanna see something again, watch the flashback. If not then skip it. Go with whatever you feel like, you’re the one watching the show for the first time so it’s about your experience first and foremost


Is this only in reference to episodes that have flashback? Cuz a lot mixed episodes don't have any

Andrew G

Yeah cause some of them are actually really super great


It depends on what website you use as a guide. Some of them list episodes like 321 as mixed which is crazy. Maybe let us know about the website and we can tell you if it's legit. As long as your guide is legit, then you should skip I think.

Chris Candler

The upcoming arcs are full of this stuff Naruto is a complicated series... it is great for reactions but hell on reactor editing


Yeah I would never skip other content. Literally just asking soley about flashbacks

Vaidas Šukauskas

I voted skip, but do whatever makes you enjoy the show the most.


I voted skip, however there exist a middle ground and sometimes flashback can add to an episode. Perhaps you can hover your mouse over player bar and see approximately how long they are. You can tell by the scenery in the miniature. Let's say 2 min don't skip, over that skip. Whatever point anime creators try to make with those flashback they can do in less screen time.


Sometimes flashbacks add some context to the situation. Naruto is a show that likes emotional build up and so they want you invested in the moment. In some cases, like the last few episodes, you have to understand that years had gone by between those moments actually happening in OG naruto and these moments now in current Naruto Shippuden. Watching weekly, and having that massive gap in time, the show just wants you to be fully invested in the moment. Now, that being said, at other times it feels excessive and can slowly kill your experience and immersion. It would be best if you watch how you want to watch to keep yourself invested in the show, especially moving forward.


I would vote skip but i dont want you to skip all of them since some flashback sequences are so important to the moment and are done really well… so i voted watch cuz it would be a shame to just skip them

Daniel Klochenok

Ok well in my opinion watching your frustration reactions is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen sooo 🤷🏻‍♂️😅🤣 keep watching away I say 🙈


Some of them do a really great job adding context to the canon story. Voting to watch


Keep uploading. We can just fast forward. Bc if you skip them and then you ask question on why things are happening it will be frustrating lol