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I'm not gonna tell you who I think is the most powerful member of the Akatsuki because that would be a spoiler

Michael Royal

something youll learn with this guys videos is almost every video he will ask questions to the audience, but typically he doesnt want us to actually asnwer if its gonna be a spoiler.


She needed to wake up. I genuinely think that Tsunade is the best hokage Konoha has had probably after Tobirama the second hokage (you could argue about Minato but he didn't have any time). Tsunade made a massive progress for not just Konoha but the ninja world even before she became a hokage and unlike her teacher, she didn't start wars and unlike Hiruzen she completely believes in the next generation. Just the sheer amount of lives she has saved is just insane and not talked about enough. She was just unlucky that she became hokage during Akatsuki era, and even then she saved everyone's life during a nuclear level attack, potentially at the cost of her life. If she didn't wake up, Nagato's sacrifice would've made her sacrifice irrelevant and that would be just bad writing.


I mean it'd just be stupid if you think about it. Imagine Tsunade gives her life to shield everyone with Katsuyu and then whoever dies, Nagato revives them anyway, except Tsunade. Lol that would be disaster.


I kind of knew she'd wake up just from how long she was in the coma for. If they were going to kill her off I assumed they would've done it either right after the pain arc or shortly after. It wouldve minimized people's feelings about it to kill her off after so long of her being out of the picture. But you not realizing she was awake while her eyes are wide open honestly cracked me up 😂😂