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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 211" on Streamable.



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I loved your COPIUM when Sasuke pierced Karin 😂 This arc is pretty much Sasuke descending further into darkness. In that fight Karin mostly contributed with her healing, as Sasuke was able to figure out the Izanagi on his own. As to why Shisui's eye is so special: It can use a really powerul genjutsu, which was explained a few episodes ago I think. That genjutsu allows you to freely control a person, without them being aware of it. Since I can't remember whether the name of it was said, I won't drop it here. Personally, I sorta sympathized with Danzo here, since he was a very realistic character. Showing fear when volunteering to sacrifice yourself, is very much relatable and I can't fault him for it. It was also neat to see the village elders in their youth there. On your closing question, Danzo was trying to seal Madara and Sasuke. We can't forget here that Sasuke is a rogue ninja now collaborating with the Akatsuki, so he would have done everyone a favor there I guess. He also didn't want Madara to get his hands on Shisui's eye as you can guess, someone like Madara with Shisui's genjutsu would do pretty fucked up things.


This is the most convincing villainous performance by Sasuke so far. He feels so far removed from the Sasuke we knew from OG. I'm not a huge Sasuke fan but right here was a shining moment for him into his descent into villainy.


Danzo is a POS but hes a fantastic character


This is my 4 rewatch of Naruto, and I can say that with all the hate towards Danzo it is possible to understand where he is coming from. Imo he is not just pure evil like Dio, or some other characters.


After seeing this for the third time, as bad as danzo is, i felt a bit sad seeing all the flashbacks and stuff, he may have gone about things the wrong way but all he ever wanted was to protect the leaf.


such a powerful episode !!!


the whole "protect the leaf" was his self serving excuse to make himself feel better about the shit he does. Let's be real, all he's done he actually did just to spite hiruzen and to feed into his inferiority complex against him. If he really cared about the Leaf village, he wouldnt take actions that cause direct harm to it. Just look at the nine tails attack, he prevented the uchiha from participating in stopping the nine tails when they could have prevented so many casualties including preventing the fourth hokage's death. Or during the Pain attack, he and all his anbu and root subordinates fled and did not participate in the fight at all to protect innocent people. All to make Tsunade look bad.


Sasuke has always been intelligence over brute in every fight since the beginning, the fact that he has the brute strength to top it up is just the cherry on top. Sasuke is so inventive and never spams one move which is why he has the best fights in this entire series


Danzo is a phony piece of shit just like u said. Everything he does is to feed his own insecurities and because he's so stubborn about his own "way" of doing things that he cant admit that his way of doing things only leads to more shit. He just covers it all up saying it is for the sake of the village when nearly everything he has done has only caused more harm to the village.