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I don't know why, but I don't dislike Danzo at all on the rewatch. Moreover, I appreciate his character and what he brings to the show. He is sort of like the Tsuchikage imo, very old fashioned and he is mostly concerned about the safety of his own village, whatever way possible. Which makes sense ofc, given his past experiences with the wars. He was also the trigger for a lot of bad events within the show with his schemes and whatnot, so it kept things certainly interesting. Very intriguing character. I'm still gonna root against him whenever I can though.


Oh, absolutely a fantastic character in the show. Definitely brings a very unique element to the series!

Julien jackson

Madara is absolutely loving this🤣🤣 they make him seem invincible and its amazing . I know you asked about donzo but🤷🏽 i cant stand him. He strong and did whatever for the sake of the leaf but let’s be real. He a hoe💀


Personally think Danzo is an amazing character. He is absolutely despicable and yet at the same time very pronationalist when it comes to the leaf village. He is a realistic take on modern day politicians and military leaders who will commit great atrocities in the name of their country. So for me I like that there is a Danzo character in Naruto.


I feel like a lot of people out there don't view the world realistically. They think the world is all sunshine and rainbows, that all things should be fair, and that the world is either black or white, right or wrong. Imo, Danzo represented how the world actually is. That sometimes you have to do horrible things for the right reasons. He was an extremist that firmly believed the ends justified the means and he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty or make the tough decisions. And honestly, he did do atrocious things, but EVERYTHING he ever did was to protect Konoha. He was a complicated character and I loved that about him


All the comments supporting Danzo baffle me. Like yes, i agree he is a really well written villain who gives a very realistic portrayal of how the real world is: CORRUPT POLITICS. He doesnt represent someone committing atrocities for the "sake" of his village, he represents someone who commits atrocities for his own sake and then wraps it up as being for the "sake of the village". He was an extremist whose every move and choice only led to shit. Name ONE situation where Danzo's decision actually did any good for anyone or the hidden leaf. He is a great character, but in NO WAY are any of his actions serving any good.