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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 165" on Streamable.


Shanks solos

Only Pain can kill an entire village and make me feel like he's the victim... for a minute there that speech made me believe Naruto was the villain for trying to stop him lmao


Nagato being alive was explicitly mentioned up til this point. But I understand that it is easy to miss or forget. Looking forward to the next episodes! Edit: Saw the question you asked on youtube and there do be major spoilers in the replies 😂 Good that you don't check comments I suppose.


"But, it will never works like that, man. It's not true peace" I think this is an allegory that the world in real life is also based on the fear of weapons... Only not fictional, but nuclear It's sad sometimes to realize that the real world is like this :(


I was about to say that. they never said Nagato was dead. In fact they made it clear he was still alive when Jiraiya fought Pain. They did mentioned or maybe alluded to the fact that Yahiko was dead.


Pain's speech is one of the greatest in all of anime. Definitely one of my favorite episodes.


"It never works like that, man. It's not true peace". But it always works in real life.


There are no major wars per se but there is still conflict in the real world. Many conflicts and uprisings s


kudos to this show for making one of the best fictional villains ever. One that doesn't have crazy selfish ambitions or unmotivated sadistic tendencies like many others, but instead a well grounded reason and worldview, which is explainable and, most importantly, understandable (Itachi, Sasori, Zabuza, Kakuzu etc). I always loved pain as a villain especially in contrast to naruto because he made naruto evolve and mature. Naruto idealism and optimism had remained too childish and the only reasonable antagonist to that could be Pain. You can realate to Pain even if you don't agree with his methods, he doesn't enjoy killing and he maintains respect for his victims even if he acts in cruel ways, he is composed and, in his mission of destruction, reasonable. Couple things I would like to highlight about Pain/Nagato's motivations: This isn't about vengeance for him. The Leaf may have had a hand in destroying his village but he didn't attack and destroy it for revenge. He did it simply because they stood in the way of his vision for peace. He doesn't want to rule the world and he does NOT consider himself to be a God. PAIN is the God, not Nagato. Nagato uses the persona of Pain because it commands respect. But when he talks to Naruto, he's dropping his pretense of being a "God" to truly have a heart-to-heart conversation with him as fellow disciples because he TRULY wants Naruto to understand his motives and see things from his perspective. We as the audience generally side with Naruto and the Hidden Leaf because they're the "main characters" of this story. Pain is giving voice to the "others" in the world who also suffer. The Hidden Leaf and the other Great Nations took advantage of them so their own lands wouldn't be destroyed by the constant warring. Why is it only OK for the Hidden Leaf to spout BS about peace and justice when he, Yahiko, Konan, and everyone else in the Ninja World also suffer the same pain? He's calling out the hypocrisy Naruto and the Leaf are trying to use to justify themselves. Pain cycle of hatred speech...one if not the best speech in all of anime, or at least shonen anime...It's so real and it makes Pain much more than a one note vilain...He is a shakespearian character. The disillusioned hero of "his" story. A victim of his world who wants to find a solution, but can only come with the one influenced by his life...Mutual understanding throught Pain...Usually in shonen anime, the protagonist kick the ass of the antagonist who is wrong or misguided and bring peace and justice to his universe. But what happens when the antagonist is mostly right ? What can you do if its not what bring peace and justice ? Pain's complexity really makes him the best vilain/antagonist of the entire series without question. Pain's idea for achieving peace is MAD (mutually assured destruction), which is the same system that's in place in the REAL WORLD today to deter nuclear war. He wants a world where M.A.D will keep the peace for a while and when it breaks, when people use the Tailed Beasts, they will experience pain again, and that pain will force them to go back to the period of peace. This will continue over and over, that pain will keep humanities violent nature in check, allowing peace to exist. Pain's speech is instrumental in Naruto's philosophy going ahead. Up until now, Naruto's sphere of thought was limited to his village. It's the first time that someone has forced him to think of the bigger picture, that the Fire nation and his village is a part of a larger system of larger conflict, that good people can be found outside his village and bad people inside it. Naruto understands Pain in the end and going forward , he starts to deal with things differently than how he does now. I grew up watching Naruto and when i watch this ep i was like; Me: "Yea, beat him down Naruto!!" Pain: What about my family, my friends, my village?" Me: "Oh...." For me personally I believe the message here is to go through life with genuine Compassion before Pain becomes an option for some. extra: Village hidden leaf is like the capital in the land of fire so the other villages in the land of fire will come to their aid and as for the economy, don’t forget they are shinobis , in the shinobi world you bust ur economy by producing lots of talented ninjaschunin & jonin) for different high paid missions or producing tons of ninja weapons for domestic uses and oversea exports and as we all know since og, konoha got some talented weapons manufacturers and high numbers of Jonin, as for the missions, individual shinobi get paid and for the village they get like annual share or something from the daimyo of the land of fire according to number of successful high paid missions and profit of the weaponry market , although it was not actually explained through out the series but thats how it is.


Pains Speech is one of the most well written things in Anime history


Neither Jiraiya nor naruto, specially not the hundreds of innocent people Pain just killed have anything to do with Pain’s pain. His way of torturing and eradicating people for his grudge is stupid, cruel and nonsensical. Of course he’s not right. Naruto would never go to the Rain village and massacre Pain’s people to avenge Jiraiya and Kakashi. Pain’s speech is bullshit from beginning to end 🤷🏻‍♀️ He’s a cruel hypocrite with a god complex.

Vaidas Šukauskas

Naruto maybe not, but plenty of other ninja and other villages did exactly that. And it's not like there's no precedent of of such cycles of hatred happening. Look at northern Irish terrorism. 9/11. You may say it's stupid cruel, but it's certainly not nonsensical. It's very much how people in real life do revenge. And his goal, of basically creating an atom bomb equivalent, is what some people credit for this extended peace time. It's really not bullshit.