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Welcome to Sasuke Shippuden


Sasuke shippuden.


So far I'd say best arc was the last one with 8/10 (only because Naruto's training stuff was a bit tiring to watch) but after 119-120, I think 2-3 following arcs are solid 10/10


Been here on patreon since about the end of the Chuunin exam arc I think? Was watching through youtube before that. Also, I really like Sasuke. He might be edgy or whatever, but as a teenager I just thought that Sasuke was damn cool. Ever since then I liked him, even if I don't agree with all of his choices. The Sharingan alone is super badass tbh.


welcome to sasuke shippuden

Fine Kat

I've always liked Sasuke. In the OG he was my fav until we met Shikamaru XD I really like that they don't always tell you what is going on in his mind.


I've been watching with you since episode 1 lol. But I love Sasuke. There are times in Shippuuden where you wanna just shake him and he pisses you off but it's hard for me to hate him lol also I like Shippuuden from episode 1. I dont agree with "it really starts from here" comments. I think all arcs are important in shippuuden and while some i prefer more than others, I genuinely do enjoy them all.


I also simp for Sasuke such a cool character

The Nuclear Reactor

I’ve been with you on YouTube since the beginning But I’ve been on here for a few months with you