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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 88" on Streamable.



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Video glitched for some reason. Should be working now ☺️🤟


I love this Arc so much


Naruto is smarter than Shikamaru, burn me at the stake I don't care... I'd say change my mind but it's impossible. In the most critical situations, Naruto is more reliable, he's a much quicker thinker and can adopt to any situation. He's only portrayed as an idiot for the sake of dumbing things down for the audience, like when Kakashi explains basic things to him and also complaining about how dumb Naruto is. It's just to justify over explanation in this show (otherwise Kakashi and Yamato would be like Dora). Also Naruto acts like an idiot because he basically grew up in the streets and has no manners and he has developed in the way that lacks focus but when it comes to high pressure situations he's super composed. Moments like this, and many more in the past, and much more in the future is why I think that Naruto is the smartest and the most creative in his age group, smarter than Shikamaru and Sasuke (I don't even think Sasuke is smart, he just has inhuman perception abilities because of his powerful sharingan).


By composed I mean when he has to rely on himself. Nine tails rampages are basically him being influenced by a more powerful chakra, there is nothing he can do about it, even though he's emotional, nine tails could do that to anyone and even if he could resist, being emotional doesn't make him any less intelligent.


Shikamaru was definitely the star of this arc. I also like how the lighter can be interpreted as symbolism for the will of the fire and/or as Asuma's fire style jutsu to combo with Shikamaru's trap.