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Hey man! Just to clarify for you without any spoilers of course; the leaf village is actually in the land of fire, which is one of the five great nations in the show (including the land of Earth, Lightning, Water, Wind and Fire). Each of those great nations have their own hidden villages.


I'm happy your watching the Sub, Don't get me wrong Naruto actually has a pretty decent Dub, but some of the voices are annoying and one of those in my opinion was Hidan's his sub voice is significantly less annoying lol. But he's still Hidan and I'd say he is the least intimidating/weakest Akatsuki member of the 11 at least in my head cannon no definitive answer tho unless you agree with SwagKage lol.

Michael Royal

i believe this was said pretty early on i think in original naruto? i think by like kakashi or something. among others


Kakuzu is one of the creepiest Akatsuki members lol. Hidan is strong but he's not as creepy to me. Also, her being able to bring out the 2 tails at whim means she was able to control the 2 tails which is pretty wild lol. She's actually not dead when she's hanging on that wall either. If you remember, they need to bring the Jinchuuriki in alive to remove the tailed beasts so she's still alive there but obviously very fucked up lol. Some of the other Jinchuuriki and tailed beasts are shown in more detail in filler arcs but as you're going to skip them I guess that doesn't matter much. Also, a lot of backstory for Asuma was in that filler arc you skipped so if you want to look up that arc summary you might be able to find more of his backstory.


Least intimidating, I'd say is probably tied with him and Deidara but I wouldn't say Hidan is weakest personally.

Michael Royal

hes gonna skip all filler, thankfully. alot of fans just wanna see the good stuff


If you want to skip the filler I'd recommend checking it out on the side.

Fine Kat

Semi-important info from the filler: Naruto does not have 100% of the nine tails chakra sealed inside him


FYI if u watch that filler u get some more important stuff that leads into this arc and make it a smoother transition so watch it on ur own time if u can because a lot of stuff that happened in it is basically canon