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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 54" on Streamable.



its listed under one piece XD

Vaidas Šukauskas

A lot of filler in this episode. And last bit was the introduction to filler arc. Sadly nothing exciting about that... You will know pain soon enough though...


So some of that stuff (ie. The end bit) is setting up for a filler arc that goes from 57-71. I know people will tell you to skip it and im sure you will but it's not a bad arc at all. I'd be down if you decided to watch it.


pls skip this filler arc


Chill. As I’ve always said, we’re not doing filler. Episodes 54-56 are mixed canon/filler then we’ll be skipping to 72 👍


That's true, just like OG Naruto, Shippuden also has some strange filler-cannon transitions so don't be confused by it. If you plan on watching filler after you finish shippuden or just on your own time, keep in mind that this one is actually not that bad, in fact it sets up the next arc nicely, and also 90-112 is interesting filler too.


Soon you shall know what true Pain is