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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 9" on Streamable.


Vaidas Šukauskas

The bit about Gaara getting the short stick always gets me. Naruto is very compassionate about the plight of others, and in the case of Gaara, it's all too real for him.


I love that they finally had the conversation with Sakura about Naruto being a Jinchuuriki. No one really ever explains to the kids in his generation that Naruto has the 9 tails (for obvious reasons and it was illegal for adults to talk about it) but I think Naruto also got nervous that telling Sakura or his other friends would cause them to hate him like the adults. It's nice that now as teenagers they can talk about it and Naruto knows they're close enough now and they've both matured enough that he doesn't have to be as nervous about her thinking badly of him. It's very refreshing. And Temari realizing that someone else out there cares for Gaara the same way she and Kankuro do. Very emotional. The tone of Shippuuden is absolutely more serious right out the gate and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that our main protagonist has grown up and matured. It's like we watch the show with a filter based on him and his maturity so in OG Naruto we had a kid filter where he didn't know any politics, rarely saw the dangers from outside the village and was sheltered in a way. Now with the maturity increasing the kid filter is off and we're privy to the political side of it and the dangers of the world with an impending sense of dread on the horizon that he might not have noticed before. Its very cool.


Start of the episode when they are moving all the rubble... use earth jutsu? no? lift it all by hand.... ok XD

The Nuclear Reactor

It may be devastation but at least it’s not planetary devastation 😂😂😂