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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 7" on Streamable.


Fine Kat

I started watching shippuden at 32, so you aren't the oldest XD haven't finished the series bc I'm crazy and watch every episode. Got my family sucked in so we watch together once a week


My first watch of Shippuden was around 5 since I lived in Japan and my brother loved the work. But then I watched whole series again when I was 15, that made me understand the work more deeply. It's my wonderful memory watching Naruto and I felt this story is really interesting and interact us however our age is.


Great reaction as always man


I started Shippuden when I was 17! :) Currently Im 25 and recently got my 30 year old friend into it!


I started watching shippuden waaaay back in 2009 when i was 14. got my wife to start watching OG Naruto last year XD. Can't wait to see Sasori fight!